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尽量使用免费资源。Utilize free resources.

选择一种网络通讯库。Choose the network library to utilize.

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这些是给友人的礼物。The camera is for my personal utilize.

我们必须利用可以得到的一切资源。We must utilize all available resources.

录象机的再计数利用全荧屏区域。Rescaling of video to utilize full-screen area.

利用合成法构成新词。Utilize the synthetic method to form neologisms.

煤的微生物转化是煤炭综合利用研究中的新领域。Bioconversion of coal is a new way to utilize coal.

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使用M86切割&抛光剂能减少微粒吗?。Does M86 Cut &Polish utilize a diminishing abrasive?

烛炬不能两端点,精神不可太过耗。You cannot utilize the candle at grinding both ends.

因此,合理的选择和使用托辊非常重要。So it is very important to choose and utilize idlers.

利用滑轮部分带动整个沙发运动。Utilize the part of zhe pulley to mobe th whole sofa.

我们也可以利用星期日来看看课外书。We may often utilize Sundays to read reference books.

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确保属于你的利益都得到了充分的利用。Ensure that you utilize the benefits available to you.

杆式探头采用现代的即时启动光学原理。Cane probes utilize modern, instant-on optic principles.

利用电脑进行作文评改。Fourth, utilize the computer to correct the composition.

我们应时常利用星期日来阅读参考书。We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books.

厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨做汤。The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.

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利用任何最适用于你的策略或方法。Utilize whatever strategy or technique works best for you.

我们这一代在努力工作,并利用各种工具完成任务。We are hard working and utilize tools to get the job done.

智能应用程序有效地利用了设备处理能力。Smart applications utilize device processing power efficiently.