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全神贯注着那潺潺流淌的小溪。And pore upon the brook that babbles by.

亚玛逊白泥毛孔深层清洁面膜。Kiehl's . Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.

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消除及改善毛孔粗大、痤疮疤痕。Eliminate and enhance rough pore , acne and scar.

怎么去鼻子上的黑头,和毛孔粗大?。How to go the black head on nose, with pore bulky?

躲着冷冷的角落里。冷透过每个毛孔。Hide chilly in the corner. Cold through every pore.

和人类的皮肤一样,土壤也有许多洞叫毛细孔。Like human skin, soil has holes that are call pore.

由于油,毛孔很粗大,还很冗杂长痘痘。The oil, the pore is very thick, very jumbled acne.

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这样,细孔的半径平均值便可计算出来。In this way an average pore radius can be calculated.

白垩系储层以原生孔隙为主。Cretaceous sandstone reservoir is of primary pore type.

孔压呈振荡变化并且最终趋向于某一定值后基本保持不变。Pore pressure surges, and tend to be constant in the end.

该暂堵剂不用与地层孔径进行匹配,只需根据地层温度选择产品型号。GPJ does not need to be sized to match formation pore size.

是测定纸张细孔的半径平均值的仪器。Instrument for determining the mean pore radius of a paper.

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大多数作家都希望读者能细细品味作品中的每一个词。Most writers want their readers to pore over every word. Mr.

储层孔喉结构差,喉道以细喉道类型为主。Pore throat structure is poor, thin throat is the main types.

注意核孔处的异染质缺失现象。Notice the absence of heterochromatin at the site of the pore.

孔隙取决于土粒的大小与排列。Pore space depends on the size and arrangement of the particles.

尝试采用添加造孔剂的方法制备了多孔生物玻璃材料。Porous bioglass material was prepared by attempting to add pore former.

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导体的电阻与其长度成正比,与其横截面积成反比。The cross-sectional areas of the pore openings vary along their length.

而管的外径则由阳极氧化铝模板的孔径来决定。The outer diameter of the tubes is determined by the AAO pore diameter.

要想固定DNA,纳米孔就必须产生很强的电场。The pore must produce a strong electric field to hold the DNA in place.