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难道苟且的活着是一种生命的维护吗?Is the inability live an assertion of life?

看到他们无力管理的惨状,我都觉得好笑。I’m amazed to see their inability to govern.

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不能移动或抵制运动的。Inability to stand because of motor incoordination.

由于肌肉运动不协调而不能站立。Inability to stand because of motor incoordination.

很抱歉我们不能接受你方的索赔要求。We re GREt our inability to accommodate your claim.

很抱愧我们不克不及担负你方索赔。But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.

维持互信互爱关系乏力感Inability to maintain loving or trusting relationships

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很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。But we re GREt our inability to accommodate your claim.

无法吞咽造成的损失咽反射。B. Inability to swallow caused by loss of the gag reflex.

永远禁不起等待,也禁不起伤害。Forever inability to wait, it can not withstand injuries.

不能吸收维生素B1就导致脚气病。Beriberi is caused by an inability to assimilate thiamine.

无法移动令我从动作的重责中解放了出来。The inability to move frees me from the obligation to act.

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他最大的痛处在于无法听进别人说的话。His biggest sore spot is his inability to listen to others.

中国教育失败可耻外加性无能。The Chinese education fails shameful in addition inability.

锁定装置失效。任何自锁装置无法锁定。Inability to Lock. Any self-locking hook that does not lock.

“我们有一种无能力解决问题的感觉”,他补充说。"We have a sense of inability to solve problems, " he added.

马伯瑞钜细靡遗地描述赖斯不能认错。Mabry dwells at length on Rice's inability to admit to error.

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因此,他超越它未能履行它。That he therefore transgresses it through inability to fulfil it.

不孕或因为不排卵不能怀孕。Infertility or inability to get pregnant because of not ovulating.

拖延来自于同时想做太多或者不能很好地计划。Lateness comes from trying to do too much or our inability to plan.