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这是至关重要的。This is of utmost importance.

质量是最很重要的。Quality is of Number1 importance.

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他向我强调它的重要性。He emphasized its importance to me.


而且它的重要性远不止于此。But its importance goes beyond that.

嗯。正因为广济桥的重要性。Yes. Just because of its importance.

无论他说什么都不重要。Whatever he says is of no importance.

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可我确实知道学习的重要性。But I do know the importance of study.

这些,都是极为重要的辩论话题。These are debates of vital importance.

这是一个生命攸关的重要问题。This is a problem of vital importance.

这说明了攀科技的重要。Here in lies the importance of Teching.

很难把你的目标按其重要性排序。Rank your goals in order of importance.

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人脉关系搭建的重要性the importance of relationship building

他详论教育的重要性。He dwelt on the importance of education.

其重要性无论怎么强调都不过分。Its importance cannot be overemphasized.

认识到给予和获得的重要性。Recognize the importance of gie and take.

这样的意见在影响力和重要性方面都存在着差异。Such dicta vary in weight and importance.

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按出场顺序且排名与其重要程度无关。In order of appearance and not importance.

它从来射向我们生活的重要性。It never looses its importance in our life.

人们争论着这一点的重要性。People argued about the importance of that.