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糊状销售接受了他的脸上那档节目的第一馅饼。Soupy Sales received his first pie in the face on that show.

另一个是“糊状销售特区难道青少年点击鼠标等。”" The other was "Soupy Sales Sez Do the Mouse and Other Teen Hits.

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补充足够的温水湿干燥食品,但不能使其太巢。Add enough warm water to wet the dry food but not make it too soupy.

但馅饼扔后来成为糊状销售'喜剧表演的一部分。But the pie-throwing later became a regular part of Soupy Sales' comedy act.

就在过去五天,北京经历了充满灰色天空的“大闷天”。For the past five days, Beijing has been a soupy caldron of humid, gray skies.

在二千三,糊状销售了一本名为告诉他的生活故事“糊状特区!In two thousand three, Soupy Sales told his life story in a book called "Soupy Sez!"

在香浓的鱼汤中下入赠送的鸡蛋面就是完美的一餐了。Add the complimentary plate of egg noodles to the soupy fish dish to make a full meal.

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糊状销售创造了新的舞蹈叫做老鼠,他常常在他的节目演出。Soupy Sales created a new dance called The Mouse which he often performed on his show.

冰淇淋放到保鲜柜,让其软化到可以抹的程度,但不能化掉。Allow the ice cream to soften in the refrigerator until it can be spread but is not soupy.

糊状开玩笑地问孩子们看戏寻找到他们的家长保管他们的钱。Soupy jokingly asked children watching the show to find where their parents kept their money.

在节目中的其他人物包括糊状的女朋友,桃子,由他自己糊状销售播放。Other characters on the show included Soupy's girlfriend, Peaches, played by Soupy Sales himself.

混合着具有形成生命潜力的化学物质的稠密液体汇聚在布满怪石的地表低洼处。A soupy mix of potentially life-forming chemicals can be seen pooling around the base of the jagged rocks.

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雾天图像中噪声较大,本文详细地分析了基于小波理论的去噪方法。Aim at soupy images' bigger noisy, this thesis in detail analyzed the method of eliminating noisy, based wavelet theory.

尽管采取了这些限制措施,北京市的空气里仍然充斥著有害的化学物质、污染颗粒和水汽。Despite these restrictions, the Beijing air continues to be a soupy mix of harmful chemicals, particulate matter and water vapor.

即使你完全能承受这种辣味或者增减它的辣味,这道色美味香的汤汁丰盛的荤菜在中央空调开启之前就能使你周身温暖起来。Whether you can stand the full heat or adjust the spiciness, this nice soupy meat dish will warm you up before central heating starts.

我说了我要你做的是利用纸张的绿色碎片,把它们在一个信封,在信封上你写糊状的销售。I said what I want you to do is take those green pieces of paper and put them in an envelope and on the envelope you write Soupy Sales.

我试探着走了几步,浓稠的泥水就漫到了我的腋下。我的鞋子被腐烂的水草缠住,手臂被枯枝刮伤。A few tentative steps and I'm up to my armpits in the cold soupy liquid, my shoes caught on decaying vegetation, arms scratched by dead branches.

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我尝过的最美味的热巧克力是由高品质的黑巧克力制成,就像纽约城的城市面包房或是西班牙产的热巧克力那样,很浓厚,很粘稠。The best hot chocolates I've had, like at NYC's City Bakery or anywhere in Spain, are thick, almost soupy drinks made with high-quality dark chocolate.

针对彩色的雾天图像,本文研究了在不同的色彩空间的雾天图像增强方法。It can reduce noise more effectively than classic method. Contraposing colorful soupy images, this thesis studied the image enhancement method in different color spaces.

众不同的特点,比如它带蹼的脚,这能帮助它们在水中游动,有时还可以帮助它们走齣眼前这片古老、泥泞的沼泽。Alligators have a lot of different characteristics such as webbed feet . It helps them to swim, at times helps them to pull through this old soupy mud that we have out here.