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别把茶杯揍了。Don't smash the teacup.

茶碗缺了个口儿。The rim of the teacup is chipped.

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琳达把茶杯送到曼迪的嘴边。Linda put a teacup to Mandy’s lips.

或者只是小题大做?Or was it just a storm in a teacup?

谢诺菲留斯把他的空茶杯搁到一边。Xenophilius set aside his empty teacup.

看起来这是一个普通的茶碗。It looked like a common or garden teacup.

传学士对着教师的茶杯说教。The preacher preached to the teacher's teacup.

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传教士对着老师的茶杯说教.The preacher preached to the teacher’s teacup.

传教士对著老师的茶杯说教。The preacher sermonized to the teacher's teacup.

搪瓷茶杯如果长期沉积茶垢,通常不易洗去。The dirt in a porcelain teacup is difficult to wipe off.

把茶杯托盘上,不要将茶碗直接桌面上。Always put your teacup on a saucer, never on the tabletop.

“那我道歉,”他拖长了声音,再次端起了茶杯。My apologies, " he drawled and picked up his teacup again."

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接着他把首相的茶杯变成了一只沙鼠。And he had turned the Prime Minister's teacup into a gerbil.

这款茶杯的一边绝妙的镶嵌了拉链!Zipper was cleverly incorporated into the side of the teacup.

这套紫砂茶杯具有中国特色。This set of brown earth pottery teacup is distinctively chinese.

把已炒的糯米和切件的五花腩放入茶杯中。Put the sauted glutinous rice and chopped pork belly into a teacup.

尽管如此,小两口偶然也会有小风波的。Yet for all that, occasionally they also will have a storm in a teacup.

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主要生产有机绿茶、乌龙茶和方便型高山茶杯。And there are mainly organic green tea, Olong tea and Convenience Teacup.

茶杯有柄,糖罐有盖,但是两者我都有。The teacup has his grip, and the sugar bowl has his cover, but I have both.

这时,梦晓薇故意打落茶杯,摔倒在地。At this time, the dream strike teacup XiaoWei deliberately and fell to the ground.