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当我是州立法者时。When I was a state legislator.

而一位民主党立法者因反对这一方案而退党。One Democratic Party legislator quit the party in protest.

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根据圣茹斯特的观点,只有立法者有能力这样做。According to Saint-Just, only the legislator is capable of doing this.

没有一个该议案的支持者将这裹脚布般的刺激计划本身全部读完。Not a single legislator who voted on the mammoth bill can have read it all.

巴勒斯坦议员巴尔古提认为以色列军队使用武力过当。Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti says it was excessive use of force.

在一个小时的漫骂演说中,立法者猛烈抨击议案通过者反对他的议案。In an hour long philippic , the legislator denounced the lobbyist opposing his bill.

在一小时的抨击性演说中,立法者抨击游说者反对他的议案。In an hour-long philippic, the legislator denounced the lobbyists opposing his bill.

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巴勒斯坦议员阿什拉维出现在美国广播公司的本周电视节目上。Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi appeared on ABC’s This Week television program.

在一小时的抨击性演说中,看看跳舞。立法者抨击游说者反对他的议案。In an hour-long philippic the legislator denounced the lobbyists opposing his payment.

比起立法者,法院与法官甚至更不适合实现法律的当代化。Courts and judges are even less well suited than legislator to bring the law up to date.

一位女立法委员说要关闭消费者基金会而引起了公愤。The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers'Foundation.

这敢言立委时就大不讳,他宣布他支持药物使用。That out-spoken legislator went out on a limb when he declared his support for drug using.

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该国会议员在选举中赢得了压倒性的胜利,得到了近七成的选票。The legislator won a landslide victory in the election, getting nearly 70 percent of the votes.

作为20世纪的著名小说家之一,昆德拉被看作是小说的“立法者”。As one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, Kunedera is regarded as the legislator of novels.

每位立法代表必须自行决定如何兼顾全民福祉和地方选民的需求。Each legislator must alone decide on how to balance the general welfare with the needs of a local constituency.

除非一些议员最后一分钟玩起了出卖骗人把戏,本周医疗改革方案将在参议院得到通过。Unless some legislator pulls off a last-minute double-cross, health care reform will pass the Senate this week.

其间,英明决定参选立委,金生即打算推举世贤出来与他竞选。Meanwhile, Yingming decides to run for legislator elections. Jinsheng plans to recommend Shimin as his opponent.

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民进党立委蔡煌琅则要求马英九总统平反江国庆的冤名。Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Tsai Huang-liang called on President Ma Ying-jeou to clear Chiang's name.

因裸睡照片外泄,马来西亚37岁的女议员黄洁冰17日辞职。A Malaysian legislator resigned Tuesday after photos of her sleeping in the nude were circulated among the public.

40出头的他,事业已经非常成功,是一名州立法者,政治抱负远大。By his early 40s, he had also built a successful career as a state legislator and harbored larger political ambitions.