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你必须知道暗黑破坏神内在的圣域是隐藏在五个封印后面。Know that Diablo 's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals.

在学习心灵圣所之后心灵之火不再减少法力消耗。Inner Fire no longer consumes mana after learning Inner Sanctum.

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让我们以敞开的心在视听中去感受那曾隐蔽的内心空间。Let us see and hear that once-hidden inner sanctum with open hearts.

我们必须渗入他们的内部密室,干掉他们的官员。We must infiltrate the inner sanctum and dispose of their officials.

兽人的影月城堡与耐奥祖的神秘圣所被摧毁。The Orcish Fortress of Shadowmoon and Ner'Zhul's Mystic Sanctum are destroyed.

重新建造太阳系隘路与开启魔法公会内部的密室。Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum.

活体计算机所在的密室里,这台因维主脑沸腾着,很像是在发怒。In the sanctum of the Living Computer, the Invid brain seethed with something very much like wrath.

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神殿最后面的正方形的空间,是内圣所或者说,最神圣的地方。The backmost square-shaped chamber of that inner shrine was the inner sanctum or the holy of holies.

这些家喻户晓的滋事者何以能够轻易触及英格兰政府的私密处所?How were these known trouble-makers able to so easily penetrate the inner sanctum of English Government?

我走进受特殊程序控制的电梯中的一部,这是专送资深官员到七楼内部保密室的。I took one of the special programmed lifts which carry senior officers to the sixth-floor inner Sanctum.

我的领主索林姆大人,为什么这些入侵者会进入你的圣地来干掉你。必须阻止他们!Thorim my lord, why else would these invaders have come into your sanctum but to slay you. They must be stopped!

利用星星的力量产生电力。重新建造太阳系隘路与开启魔法公会内部的密室。Harness the power of the stars. Rebuild the defiled Orrery and unlock the secrets of this Mages Guild Inner Sanctum.

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只有这块地的一小片将会继续种植他的高价值的庄稼,要从公路上看见这块地几乎不可能。Only the sliver of land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop.

我不会采用在陷阱发动前,将英雄队伍诱入我最高指挥中心的邪恶计划。I will not employ devious schemes that involve the hero's party getting into my inner sanctum before the trap is sprung.

除了一窥人类心灵密室,赎罪或者说是人与上帝“合一”,可以看作是在社会层面上发生的现象。In addition to the inner sanctum of the human psyche, atonement or at-one-ment can be seen as happening on the social scene.

萨科奇在巴黎军事院校发表的一场激情洋溢的演讲中表示,法国早就应该重返北约的核心集团。In an impassioned speech at Paris's military academy, Sarkozy said France's return to Nato's inner sanctum was long overdue.

找到秘笈并且打开寺院秘室之门,你就会得到那些前辈们得到过的荣誉。Find the code and unlock the mysterious inner sanctum of the temple and you will deserve the honor of those who have gone before you.

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关口将地图外面的部分和内部密室分开,而不可破坏的地形会引导玩家必须从哨卡进入。Indestructible terrain funnels the player through a chokepoint that divides the outer section of the compound from the inner sanctum.

关闭遭枪杀在澳大利亚昆士兰州黄金海岸的位置,密室采用三维摄影技术发展到镜头头像卡梅伦。Shot on location off the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, Sanctum employs 3-D photography techniques Cameron developed to lens Avatar.

在林子里转来转去,最后,又沿着一束阳光的道路钻进书房。The song jumped around the woods, finally went flying back along the road , which a bunch of sunshine took previously, back into the sanctum.