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你怎样做才能消除他们的担忧?What can you do to allay their fears?

滕特公司设计的线塔应该有助于减轻这些恐惧感。TenneT’s pylons should help allay that fear.

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你需要退热,你应该吃些阿司匹林。You should take some aspirins to allay your fever.

桑克斯用“灵活”这个词来排除别人的恐惧。Shanks used the word "discretion" to allay those fears.

如果他们确实这样做了,这是否能减轻中国的关切呢?If they really do that, will this allay China's concerns?

用浓雾的大衣紧紧地包裹,抚息我心中的火焰!Close in thy garments of mist, to allay the fever within me!

然后芮利会教导弹琴者如何弹奏,以减轻其肌肉痉挛的情形。Riley then coaches the musician to play in ways that allay the cramps.

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这样一来,有关不良贷款将大幅上升的担忧应该会有所缓和。That should allay the worst fears about a surge in nonperforming loans.

许多现实的人则认为事态至少会被缓解。Many realists feel that it is possible at least to allay the tensions it breeds.

倩到了以后,卡莉恩装作什么也没发生,以友好的姿态掩饰内心的疑虑。When Cian arrived, Kalyn pretended nothing was wrong, and acted friendly to allay suspicion.

从他在丹佛接受提名的那一刻起,奥巴马还有68天的时间去消除这些怀疑。From the moment of his coronation in Denver, Mr Obama will have 68 days to allay these doubts.

欧薄荷常被用作缓和反胃和呕吐,亦舒缓绞痛。Peppermint is frequently used to allay nausea and vomiting and will relieve the pain of colic.

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Beasley希望护理主任能起到表率作用,以减轻第一线护士的忧虑。Beasley wants directors of nursing to act as role models to allay concerns among frontline nurses.

耐久财订单数据应有助于纾缓制造业明显下滑的担忧.The durable goods orders report should help to allay fears of a marked slowdown in factory activity.

不过搜狐确认称,仍计划在2010年第三季推出新游戏DMD.Bagga称,这应能缓解一些投资者对这款颇受期待的大作开发进程的担忧.This should allay some investors' concerns around development of this anticipated title, Bagga said.

他仿佛患了一种越来越严重的狂热病,尽管盘子里的金砂越来越多,他的狂热却没有减轻。A fever seemed to be growing in him, nor did the increasing richness of the test-pans allay this fever.

“上峰”怀疑以前一个低级研究项目与这次刺杀有关,而珀西也许能解开他们的忧虑。Oversight is concerned an old pet project may be to blame, and Percy might be able to allay their fears.

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这有助于减轻你可能影响团队平衡或者在领导方面的担忧。This can help allay fears that you might upset the balance of the team or have trouble taking direction.

为了不让孩子们感到失望,警察带他们参观了汉诺威警察总部。To allay their disappointment at being caught, Hanover police gave them a tour of the police headquarters.

但是这些陈词滥调更多的是用来缓和看护人的恐惧而非病人的恐惧。But these banalities are more often designed to allay the fears of the caregiver than those of the patient.