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并非所有的插头都有三个插脚,某些工具的插头只有两个插脚。Not all plugs are three pronged and some tools have only a two prong plug.

那么要做好培训自然也要从这三个方面入手。So naturally have to do a good job in training this three- pronged approach.

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一些受雇的保安身上有辣椒喷射器,网以及尖尖的电棍。Some hired security guards and equipped themselves with pepper spray, nets and pronged poles.

在讲述了以鸭绿江为目标的钳形攻势之后,阿蒙德再一次转向了势态图。After describing this twin- pronged thrust to the Yalu, Almond again turned to the situation map.

三管齐下,才能扑灭危害我国金融安全的“无明业火”。A three- pronged approach to fight against China's financial security, "the industry out the fire."

今年初开始多管齐下,整治日益混乱的土地市场,尤其是非法圈地。Beginning of this year multi- pronged anti-crime increasingly chaotic land market, particularly the illegal property.

罗宾森喜欢她的两向的疫苗防御方式。“在我看来一个成功的疫苗是可能的,这是毫无疑问的,”她说。Robinson likes her vaccine's two- pronged defense. "There is no doubt in my mind that a successful vaccine is possible, " she says.

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要把煤炭行业“三管齐下”的做法延伸拓宽到所有矿产资源开发领域。The coal industry should be "three- pronged " approach to broaden the extension of all the mineral resources development in the area.

这些变化包括,皮萨罗上场,这使得场上变成了一个有效的四路攻击线,尽管秘鲁人有着活动的自由。Those alterations included Pizarro added to what effectively became a four- pronged attack although the Peruvian had freedom to roam.

继人民银行宣布“两率齐下”后,政府又出台专门针对股市的“三大利好”。Following the People's Bank of China announced that the "two- pronged rate", the Government has introduced specific to the stock market, "the three good.

启动建设大连路绿地、和田绿地、浙江北路绿地、静安绿地、炮台山公园、三叉港森林公园等一批大型公共绿地。Dalian Lu start building green, green Wada, Zhejiang North green, green Jingan, Fortress Hill Park, the proposed three- pronged Hong Kong Park and other large public green forest.

加强新闻从业人员的新闻自律,必须从新闻从业人员的自身建设和各种监督机制的建设两方面入手。The news media practitioners to strengthen self-discipline, we must proceed from two- pronged that are the journalists' self-construction and the building of mechanisms for monitoring.

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可见,有限与无限贯穿着人的认识的整个过程。但是在社会发展的每一个阶段上,人们的实践活动都从无限区分出有限。It is obvious that, finity and infinity, they will be pronged whole process. but per phase about development of society , our practice action will be all divided from infinity to finity.

第三,要实行教育和惩治并举的方针,让每个干部和领导者懂得水能载舟,也能覆舟。Third, we should adopt a two pronged approach of both education and punishment. Every cadre and leading official should know that "while water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it."

紧接着从编程环境的选择和关系型数据库的实现两个方面入手介绍了怎样开发一个书店信息管理系统。Immediately after the selection and programming environments from the relational database to achieve the two- pronged approach on how to develop a bookstore information management system.

三是把对保险中介机构的监管与对保险公司中介业务的监管紧密结合起来,双管齐下,标本兼治。Third, the insurance intermediary supervision of insurance companies and intermediary business, combined with close monitoring, a two- pronged approach, both temporary and permanent cures.

入夜之后,印度安全部队继续同在孟买各处发动多起袭击的恐怖分子残余力量交战,缓慢地夺回对孟买的控制。Clashes between Indian security forces and the remaining terrorists that launched a multi pronged assault on Mumbai continued into the night as authorities slowly regained control of the city.

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自七波束接收器安装到阿雷西博望远镜距地面500英尺的穹顶里已经有两年了。It has been two years now since the seven pronged multi-beam receiver was hoisted above the Arecibo radio telescope and installed in the Gregorian dome, 500 feet above the surface of the dish.

上海市将采取限定宾馆、商场等高价停车场的价位以及向社会开放小区停车位等手段,“五管齐下”解决停车难的“瓶颈”。Shanghai will take limited hotels, shopping malls, and to the community at the opening price of the car park area parking spaces, and other means "five- pronged " solution to the parking "bottleneck".