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那时候,凯特才两岁,她的妹妹皮帕,只有八个月大。At the time, Kate was two and her sister Pippa eight months.

皮帕在悉尼曾经赢得了一枚马术的银牌,当时她距离金牌仅仅有一步之遥。Pippa had won silver in Equestrian in Sydney, missing the gold only by a whisker.

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她路过的时候我们都仰慕她“皮姆先生看着皮帕,在啜饮着混喝饮料。We always admire her as she passes by." Mr. Pim watches Pippa suck the concoction.

现在皮帕将要嫁给一个富裕和英俊的男人,下面是媒体的报道。Now Pippa will marry a rich and handsome man, the media reported it in the following.

她还有两个妹妹,一个叫琵琶一个叫詹姆斯,也在家人的店里上班。She has two younger siblings, Pippa and James, who also work for the family business.

凯特和她的妹妹皮帕、弟弟詹姆斯都是伴随着这个家族企业一起长大的。Kate and her younger siblings, Pippa and James, have grown up alongside the family business.

他身旁凯特的妹妹皮帕对此毫无反应,倒是和89岁的爱丁堡公爵相谈甚欢。His sister-in-law Pippa did not appear amused. And she seemed happier talking to the Duke of Edinburgh, 89.

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但皮帕•米德尔顿和她的同龄人与多数人相比却似乎很少抱怨——至少今年是这样。But it seems Pippa Middleton and her peers might find less to grumble about than most – this year, at least.

皮帕劳埃德,赫里福德郡的士丹顿瓦伊河畔明德小学的校长,在报告中强调到Pippa Lloyd, head teacher of Staunton-on-Wye Endowed Primary School in Herefordshire, highlighted in the report, said

然而他们批评皮帕说她穿衣方面比不上她的姐姐,更重要的是,有一次她还不遵守交通规则。While they criticize Pippa for she doesn't dress as well as her sister, what's more, she once broke the traffic rules.

因姐姐一举成名的皮帕现在坐拥了最美好的一切——从戴上订婚戒指开始。For after becoming famous just because of her sister, Pippa has the best of everything — starting with the engagement ring.

皮帕因为姐姐凯特而为众人所知,从订婚戒指开始她便拥有了一切最好的事物。For after becoming famous just because of her sister, Pippa has the best of everything — starting with the engagement ring.

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不仅如此,聪明的皮帕找到如意郎君,将与富有的詹姆斯喜结连理,甚至让凯特都黯然失色。Not only that, but clever Pippa has scored a bullseye when it comes to rich husbands and, in doing so, has even managed to eclipse Kate.

皮帕嫁给了一位姓伦敦的先生。这一巧合给吉蒂留下了深刻印象,但愿自己可别在喝茶的时候想起这件事笑起来。Pippa had married a Mr London, a coincidence that made a great impression on Kitty, who hoped she would not think of it and laugh during tea.

看起来这对年轻的皇室成员造成老化效应,但是从皮帕·米德尔顿到海顿·潘妮蒂尔都重拾这一潮流趋势。The look is said to have an aging effect on the young royal, but everyone from Pippa Middleton to Hayden Panettiere has picked up on the trend.

皮帕已经在詹姆斯位于伦敦切尔西的豪宅安家,她的未婚夫近期设立了两人的独立更衣室。Pippa is already installed in James's magnificent house in London's Chelsea, where her bethrothed has recently installed his and hers dressing rooms.

詹姆斯的双亲坐拥伊甸岩,圣巴特岛加勒比海岸最受欢迎的度假酒店之一,这也意味着皮帕日后无需费力寻觅,也可以就近找到常年日光浴的理想之地。For James's parents own Eden Rock, one of the loveliest hotels on the Caribbean island of St Barts, meaning Pippa will never have to look far to top up her year-round tan.

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女佣的荣誉皮帕米德尔顿和页面到达西敏寺男孩和环携带者在英国的威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿在伦敦4月29日,2011年皇室婚礼。Maid of honour Pippa Middleton arrives with page boys and ring bearers at Westminster Abbey at the Royal Wedding for Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton in London Friday, April, 29, 2011.

带着纯粹的热情、锲而不舍地工作、周围是叽叽喳喳的鹦鹉,皮帕·尼尔森和马克·坎波斯建立并发展了他们的葡萄园,使之成为地理湾葡萄酒地区的精品葡萄酒生产商。Pure passion, persistence and working around some pesky parrots has seen Pippa Nielsen and Mark Cumbers establish and develop their vineyard into a boutique producer in the Geographe Wine region.