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世卫组织和原子能机构在抗击癌症方面负有共同的使命,两者相辅相成。WHO and the IAEA have complementary mandates when it comes to fighting cancer.

天野之弥说,国际原子能机构将在10月间,和叙利亚官员就这项问题举行会晤。Amano said IAEA staff will meet with Syrian officials on the matter in October.

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以色列反对党领导人列文尼说,国际原子能机构的报告明确显示了伊朗的企图。Opposition leader Tzipi Livni said the IAEA report makes clear where Iran is heading.

作为额外的保证,国际原子能机构一直在提出种种设想以求最终能建成一个燃料库。As added reassurance, the IAEA has been developing ideas for a fuel bank of last resort.

他同时呼吁国际原子能机构对该核设施进行“彻底、严格和有力的调查。”He also called for “an exhaustive, strict and rigorous investigation” of the facility by the IAEA.

原子能机构总干事天野之弥星期一在会议开始时,就福岛核灾难一事,提出了最新的进展报告。IAEA chief Yukio Amano gave an update on the Fukushima disaster as he opened the meeting on Monday.

伊方对中方赞成国际原子能机构新决议表示不满,中方有何评论?Iran is not happy with China's voting for the new resolution of the IAEA. How do you comment on that?

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而国际原子能机构存有一份长达5页的文件说明这类半圆爆炸物的实验数据。The IAEA has a five-page document describing experimentation on such a hemispherical array of explosives.

但是,国际原子能机构总干事天野说,他“毫不怀疑这场危机将被有效地克服。”But IAEA director-general Yukiya Amano said he had "no doubt that this crisis will be effectively overcome".

国际原子能机构总干事巴拉迪说,他支持像中国这样的新兴国家发展核能的努力。IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei says he supports an emerging country like China, in its pursuit of nuclear energy.

舒尔特表示,刚刚发布的报告还列举了国际原子能机构核查人员新发现的高浓缩铀活动的迹象。Schulte said the new report also revealed that IAEA inspectors had found new traces of highly enriched uranium.

一位国际原子能机构发言人说伊朗告诉他“我们没有向这个核设施内投入任何核材料”。An IAEA spokesman said it had been told by Iran that “no nuclear material has been introduced into the facility”.

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但是,伊拉克继续对国际原子能机构称他没有核武器计划。And to assist in its disarmament, we called on Iraq to cooperate with returning inspectors from UNMOVIC and IAEA.

天野之弥指出,德黑兰在国际原子能机构最近一次视察他们的核设施时,对他们的核活动资料已经比较公开。Amano did say Tehran had been more open about some of its activities during a recent IAEA visit of its facilities.

国际原子能机构理事会将于2月2日召开特别会议,讨论针对伊朗应采取的行动方针。The IAEA Board of Governors will meet in special session February 2 on what course of action to take against Iran.

不惟如此,IAEA用于评估其核保障成绩的标准也完全过时了。Not only that, but the yardsticks by which the IAEA measures its own safeguarding success are woefully out of date.

国际原子能组织总干事要求对地震和海啸频发地区开始重新审查核安全标准。The IAEA chief is calling for a review of nuclear safety standards beginning with earthquake and tsunami pro-areas.

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在天开始之际,伊朗的原子能机构人萨利希指责国际原子能机构总干事天野之弥“偏见”。The head of Iran's atomic energy agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, began the day by calling IAEA chief Yukiya Amano "biased."

今年的诺贝尔和平奖由首席联合国核查员默哈姆德阿尔贝瑞德和他所负责的国际原子能组织获得。This year's Nobel Peace Prize goes to Chief UN Nuclear Inspector Mohamed El Baradei and the agency he runs, the IAEA.

沃尔纳指的是美国国务次卿伯恩斯在赴日内瓦之前跟国际原子能机构领导人举行的会谈。Warner was alluding to discussions Undersecretary of State Burns had with the head of the IAEA before coming to Geneva.