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第一口的滋味酸而尖锐。On first taste it is vinegary and sharp.

而当酒贮放年限太久也会衰退而有醋酸味。A wine that is too old may also be vinegary.

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如果过量,就会使酒尝起来有股酸味。In excess it will make the wine smell and taste vinegary.

但如果葡萄酒酸度太大,尝起来就会非常尖酸,闻起来也会有很重的挥发性。Wine that contains too much acidity will have a nasty biting vinegary and sour taste.

所有的葡萄酒都含有一定的挥发性酸,但当酸味能被察觉时则认为是不正常的。All wine contains some VA but when a vinegary smell can be detected it is considered a fault.

检测糖醋,有时醋酸嗅觉和味觉随着尖锐的感觉,在嘴里。Detected by sweet and sour, sometimes vinegary smell and taste along with a sharp feeling in the mouth.

其“创意”低沉,亦会引起业主的条件反射和心理不悦。Its " originality " grave, the conditional reflex that also can cause owner and psychology are vinegary.

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像醋气味是由乙酸造成的,而指甲油味是由乙酸乙酯形成的。A vinegary smell is caused by acetic acid, while a nail polish aroma reflects the formation of ethyl acetate.

葡萄酒中含有的醋酸量不能超出一定的范围,最起码不能让葡萄酒闻着像醋。If there is an excessive amount of acetic acidity, the wine will have a vinegary smell and be a flawed, acetic wine.

有些人发现它能提神和有活力,而另一些人确不能接受这发酵、酸味和臭味。Some people find it refreshing and invigorating, others can’t get past the sour, vinegary taste and the compost smell.

这位女作家对当代文学作了一番刻薄的评论,说某一位著名作家淫秽,另一位懒散,第三位又肤浅。The authoress, passing vinegary judgments on current literature, said that one famous author was obscene, another sloppy, a third superficial.

火车在日本西部沿海平原上行驶,我嘴里嚼着醋渍墨鱼干,观赏着车窗外掠过一片片整整齐齐的长方形稻田。As the train glided through the flat coastal plain of western Japan, I chewed a snack of dried, vinegary octopus and watched the perfectly rectangular paddy fields pass by in precise rows.