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你还懂风水啊?You understand geomancy?

风水学是我国传统文化的一朵奇葩。Geomancy is an exotic flower of Chinese traditional culture.

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召开学术研讨会,探求杨公风水的真缔。Convene a seminar, investigate the true Di of Yang Gong's geomancy.

有鉴于此,我们可以预见风水在美国将大有可为。In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America.

Geomancy是一种厚实、复古的几何形字体,汲取了法国和美国的装饰艺术的特点。Geomancy is a chunky, retro geometric font that hearkens to French and American art deco.

一日,女主人请来了一位“大仙”给她家看风水,好奇的妻子忙跑过去看热闹。Though invited a "rank" to her home geomancy , curious wife busy running past excitement.

易学和景观建筑风水学的专门化信息的交流。The specialized information exchange of Iching and the landscape architecture and geomancy.

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中国的风水文化渊远流长,至今仍可见其影响。The culture of geomancy has a long history in China, and still exerts influence there today.

建筑风水学在中国建筑史上享有崇高的地位。The construction geomancy study enjoys the lofty status in the Chinese history of architecture.

这一天,不知道从什么地方来了个商人,善于看风水。This day, did not know that has come a merchant from any place, is good at practicing geomancy.

风水可以是人类感觉的原始纪录,因此,可以是进一步研究的资料。Geomancy may be primitive records of our senses and therefore materials for further researching.

从景观生态结构与范式的角度研究风水学。The theory of Geomancy is studied from perspectives of landscape ecological structures &patterns.

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这两方面的变化,深深地影响我们今日对风水的态度。These developments deeply influenced the attitude of contemporary Chinese society toward geomancy.

堪舆学作为我国一门古老的学说,但是它的理论却是符合这个时代的发展。Geomancy as an ancient Chinese theory, but its theory is consistent with the development of the times.

但是土占意指根据地理特征来占卜,所以这个翻译并非完全正确。But geomancy means divination according to geographic features, so the translation is not entirely correct.

风水文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,古代墓园选址深受其影响。Geomancy was the important composition of Chinese culture, the site of ancient cemetery was influenced by it.

中国风水所有的基本原则都指出确定黄土高原窑洞理想地点的因素。All the basic principles of Chinese geomancy point to the factors determining an ideal site for loess cave dwellings.

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当今世纪遗产争夺案,将掀起一场正邪风水大战,好戏连场!Now the century inheritance competes for the document, will start a evil geomancy war, the good play continually field!

西安向阳公司相准了这块风水宝地,计划在此建分厂,并有房舍耸立。Xian is definitely the company exposed to the geomancy treasure trove, plan in the factory, and have built houses standing.

倭寇就用一名风水师投身阉党轻易化解开了这灭顶之灾?The Japanese invaders is used a geomancy teacher hurl body Yan the party easily dissolved to open this to drown of disaster?