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诚非所料。It is really unexpected.

他的启程是出乎意外的。His going was unexpected.

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这实在是出乎意料。This was really unexpected.

他的离去出人意外。His departure was unexpected.

意想不到的事情,总是妙趣横生。The unexpected is always fun!

将有未预料到的收获。There will be unexpected gains.

他落聘了,令他始料未及。He Lapin, and made him unexpected.

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他的反应出乎预料。His reaction was quite unexpected.

我会冷漠于意外的赏赉?In unexpected largesse? am I cold.

发生了没有意料到的事情。Something unexpected has turned up.

这个出乎意外的消息让我大为吃惊。The unexpected news knocked me out.

但是,也有出人意料的发现。But there were unexpected findings too.

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这是一个严重而出乎预料的障碍。Here was a serious and unexpected check.

菩萨总是在意想不到之处出现。Angels come to me in most unexpected ways.

给某人寄去意想不到的信或礼物。Send someone an unexpected letter or gift.

命运的打击真是难以预料!How unexpected were the attacks of destiny!

另外一个意外缺席的是阿巴特。Another unexpected absence is that of Abate.

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由于未料及的风暴,他晚到了。He arrived late due to the unexpected storm.

这是她好运中的一次意外的挫折。It is an unexpected setback in her fortunes.

这个意外的消息使他大吃一惊。The unexpected news fairly knocked him back.