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每天替婴儿所用的奶瓶消毒。Sterilize baby bottles every day.

辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。Irradiation can also sterilize meat.

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用沸水烫洗一下这些针,消一下毒。Scald the needles to sterilize them.

用它来烹调食物和水消毒。It is used to cook food and sterilize water.

你不可能完全防止孩子受到虐待。You can't sterilize children against violences.

第一次使用前必须清洗和消毒咬牙。Always wash and sterilize teether before first use.

请使用温热水冲烫消毒,请勿蒸煮消毒。Do not sterilize by steam sterilizer or boiled water.

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你赞成用食品辐射照射技术来消毒食物吗?。Do you agree to use food irradiation to sterilize food?

在用注射毒剂的方式执行死刑时,为什么还要消毒针头?Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

他把注射器放到水中煮,把刀子放在火上烧来进行消毒。He boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them.

机内装有紫外线杀菌灯,能对包装材料进行消毒灭菌。The ultraviolet ray light can sterilize the packing material.

利用微波能对小包装紫菜进行杀菌保鲜研究。In this study microwave was used to sterilize and preserve laver.

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杀菌剂被用于正在注射前给皮肤消毒。Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.

伦敦的研究人员说可以应用该技术对创口杀菌。Researchers in London say the technique could be used to sterilize wounds.

现在请您松开拳吧!我要用碘酒给您的皮肤进行消毒。Now, open your hand please. I'm going to sterilize the skin with tincture of iodine.

酒精可能是医学上的消毒剂,但决不可用来消毒饮用水。Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant,but should not be relied upon to sterilize water.

为解决医源性血源感染,对医用设备器材进行灭菌是必要的。It is important to sterilize the medical devices for preventing the infection from blood.

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每天用清洁剂清洁所有奶樽及奶嘴,在使用前必需清毒。Clean all feeding bottles and nipple with detergent and then sterilize them daily before use.

炊具、冷冻器具保持卫生,经常消毒,确保食品无污染。Keep cookers and refrigerating appliances clean and sterilize them to ensure pollution-free food.

经特别处理,能有效持续抑制细菌,可高温消毒。With special disposition, continuously inhabit germ breeding, sterilize through high temperature.