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软骨原细胞随后开始产生纤维软骨。Chondroblasts then begin to produce a type of cartilage called fibrocartilage.

胎儿关节唇软骨中有血管存在,但血管的数量随胎龄增加而减少。The number of the blood vessels in the fibrocartilage will decrease with the age of the fetus.

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滑膜囊和钙化软骨区的细胞凋亡无明显变化。No obvious change in apoptosis could be seen in bursa synoriale and mineralized fibrocartilage.

软骨细胞,基质,丝一样的胶原纤维,这些证明其为纤维软骨。The combination of chondrocytes, matrix, and visible wispy collagenic strands or fibers identifies this as fibrocartilage.

结论手术治疗菜花耳,对新形成的纤维软骨层及受累的软骨膜必须彻底切除,才能获得良好疗效。Conclusion The newly formed fibrocartilage and the involved perichondrium must be totally removed to achieve the good results.

腕关节软骨板是腕关节中较为薄弱的结构,在体育运动和日常生活中,该软骨板的损伤较为多见。The fibrocartilage of wrist joint is a weaker structure in the wrist joint, which is frequently injured in sports and daily life.

结果表明,潮线“涨潮”是由于跟腱末端区承受负荷,纤维软骨区不同步的钙化造成的。Conclusion "Tide rise" is attributed the unsynchronous calcification in the fibrocartilage region, which is caused by the load on ankles.

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结果纤维软骨细胞于羊膜上牢固粘附,3天开始增殖,2周时已有大量细胞生长于羊膜上。Results Fibrocartilage cells attached to amnion closely and begin proliferate after 3d, 2 weeks after had lots of cells proliferate onto amnion.

第1个月修复组织初步具备纤维软骨特征,第2个月初步具备透明软骨特征,第3个月修复组织具备透明软骨的生物学特性。The repairing organism featured fibrocartilage in month 1. it showed characteristics of hyaline cartilage in month 2 and had biologic functions in month 3.

尺月韧带、尺三角韧带和月三角骨间韧带共同在维持尺腕关节的稳定性中发挥重要作用。The triangular fibrocartilage complex of ulnolunate ligament, ulnotriquetral ligament and lunatotriquetral ligament is an important structture for stabilizing the ulna-wrist joint.