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如何诊断三尖瓣闭锁?。How is tricuspid atresia diagnosed?

为什么关注三尖瓣闭锁?。Why is tricuspid atresia a concern?

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三尖瓣闭锁有什么症状?。What are the symptoms of tricuspid atresia?

耳道闭锁修复手术,平均收费多少?What is the average cost for atresia repair surgery?

在修复耳道闭锁手术之后,耳道再次封闭的可能性是多少?What is the possibility of the canal closing up after atresia repair surgery?

结论经尿道钬激光手术治疗尿道狭窄与闭锁是安全、有效的治疗方法。Holmium YAG laser is a safe and easy method for urethral stricture or atresia.

肺动脉瓣水平膜状闭锁13例,主肺动脉干闭锁1例。The atresia was at the valvular level in 13 patients and at the main trunk in 1.

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新生儿先天性低位小肠闭锁手术方法的探讨。Exploration of The Surgical Method of Neonatal Congenital Low Intestinal Atresia.

在儿童肝脏移植最常见的原因是胆道闭锁。In children, the most common reason for liver transplantation is biliary atresia.

大多数卵泡都经过退化变为闭锁卵泡。Most ovarian follicles undergo an involutional process called follicular atresia.

目的总结新生儿肠闭锁的诊断和治疗。Objective To summarize the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal atresia in newborns.

发育不全左心综合症造成的主动脉闭锁患者一般不能生存。Aortic atresia is not compatible with continued survival as seen in hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

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细胞凋亡的时-空激活与鼠类实验性胆道闭锁的上皮细胞性损伤。Temporal-spatial activation of apoptosis and epithelial injury in murine experimental biliary atresia.

对14例胆道闭锁患儿进行葛西手术后肝脏病理变化的研究。The pathology of liver was studied in 14 patients with congenial biliary atresia after Kasai's operation.

医疗小组之目的是藉此机会教导病患和家属如何选择医治“耳道闭锁及小耳症”的各种方案。CEI Medical Group's goal is to educate patients and families on their options for Atresia and Microtia repair.

先天性食管闭锁的诊断和治疗是显示小儿外科水平的重要疾病之一。The diagnosis and treatment of congenital esophageal atresia will show the academic level of pediatric surgery.

方法对2002年—2007年在我院行胎儿系统超声检查并有产后随诊结果的20例病例进行综合分析。Methods In the 5-year period from 2002 to 2007, 20 fetuses with esophageal atresia were analyzed retrospectively.

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先天性外耳道闭锁是耳鼻咽喉科常见的先天性疾病,也是引起传导性耳聋的主要原因之一。Congenital acoustic atresia is not a rare disease. It is also one of the main reasons which result in conductive deaf.

鼻内镜检查发现蝶窦自然口周黏膜息肉样变6例,蝶窦自然口闭锁1例。Endoscopy showed that 6 patients had polyps in sphenoid sinus ostium, and 1 case with atresia of sphenoid sinus ostium.

目的总结胆道闭锁葛西术后患儿发生真菌性胆管炎的护理经验。Objective To summarize the experience of nursing children with the fungal infection from Kasia operation on biliary atresia.