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纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。Admiral nelson was a naval officer.

美国海军第一个女上将。The first female admiral in the U.S. navy.

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她骗他们说她的父亲是位海军上将。She kidded them that her father was an admiral.

梅乐斯是一名美国海军中将,中美合作所的美方负责人。Miles was a Vice Admiral and SACO's co-director.

舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。The admiral visited the ships under his command.

正在作情况介绍的海军上将拿起他的教鞭。The admiral giving the briefing took his pointer.

这部集子里有许多花蝶标本。There are many admiral samples in the collection.

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阿达玛上将的母亲的职业是什么?What was the profession of Admiral Adama's mother?

我认为,我们是保持现状。I would say we are status quo, " Admiral Wren said.

舰队司令按作战计划进行舰队演习。The admiral manoeuvred his ships in the battle plan.

航队司令莫费当然要问我们的位置。Admiral Murphy reasonably inquired into our location.

人事因素,牵涉到海尔赛将军的想法。The human element was Admiral Halsey's frame of mind.

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阿达玛上将认为阿达尔总统是什么样的人?。What did Admiral Adama consider President Adar to be?

奥斯瓦尔德·泰希克曾是帝国海军的海军元帅。Osvald Teshik was a Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy.

最后是Laksamana,海军舰队的司令。The Laksamana was the Admiral who controlled the fleet.

阿达玛指挥官带领殖民地人民搜寻地球的所在。Admiral Adama leads the colonists in a search for earth.

阿夫申·马卡蒂曾是帝国海军的海军元帅。Afsheen Makati was a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy.

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同穆伦上将一样,克劳利也呼吁中国行动起来。Like Admiral Mullen, Mr. Crowley called on China to act.

这里是法拉戈,清楚听到传输,将军。This is the Farrago, reading you five-by-five , Admiral.

科里尼将军是最受尊敬的胡格诺领袖。Admiral de Coligny was the most respected Huguenot leader.