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妈妈,灰姑娘有没有尿盆?Does Cinderella have a potty?

这届会议是所谓的厕所平价。That session is called Potty Parity.

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你是否害怕使用公共便盆?Do you panic about public potty seats?

我已经打印了PDF,准备蹲“便盆”时候看呢。I printed out a PDF to read on the potty.

公共领域正在着魔,有人死亡了。The public realm goes potty and people die.

准备好带着你的训练便便座垫外出了吗?Ready to take your potty training out in the world?

李子多吃最伤人,害你茅坑月月蹲。He who eats too many prunes, sits on potty many moons.

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请不要跟你的宝宝玩了,去厕所吧。Carolyn, please stop playing with your baby and go potty.

如今,参观者都知道这个被称为“保尔·班杨的便壶”的巨大凹室。Visitors today know the huge alcove as Paul Bunyan's Potty.

是的,如果缺水的话,那么如何洗便壶?Yes, becaus when there will be scarcity of water, then how will wash potty?

一旦开始给你的小孩如厕训练,你就要坚持给他穿内裤。Once you start potty training, your child should continue to wear underpants.

坐便椅内部的具有较高的挡板,并易于移动和清洁。The inner potty has a high splashguard and is easy to remove, empty and clean.

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小兔子的头顶甚至还装有一个音乐摇铃,其独到卡通兔子造型设计更能增加宝宝的乐趣。The head of the potty is equipped with a music ring, increasing fun to your child.

中间的便盆中间高起,秽物不易溢出,易于拿起清空与清洗。The inner potty has a high splashguard and is easy to remove, empty and clean. TheBABYBJ?

旅游时这个便便垫可以折叠起来,而且可以方便的放进尿布包或大的袋子里。Traveling potty seat folds for easy and discrete carrying in a diaper bag or large purse.

您想要在报纸上,投一个全页的告示。When potty training is complete, you take out a full-page public notice in the newspaper.

最近有一家人来到了耶鲁大学的诊所,父母亲急切地想让他们的儿子习惯用厕所。A family recently showed up at the Yale clinic, desperate for their son to be potty trained.

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不要指望,当你完成上厕所训练认为,尿床也将停止在同一时间内。Don't expect that as you complete potty training that bedwetting will also stop at the same time.

从学数数到坐便训练,一切都必须让人感觉到有趣。From learning to count to getting potty trained, everything must feel like fun if you want any success.

外出时最好带上折叠式便壶和清洁便壶用的消毒擦布。When out of the house, a collapsable potty is good to have. Take antiseptic wipes for cleaning the potty.