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因为这个,在她心的深处,她是个虚无主义者,而且真的是无政府主义者。And somewhere deep in herself because of it , she was a nihilist , and really anarchic.

过去的假新闻都经过精心的编排,现在冒出的谎言则混乱无序。Instead of the carefully organized fake news of old, there is now an anarchic outflow of lies.

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此外,英国每年有几个城镇都会举行一次无章可循的中世纪足球比赛。And anarchic games of folk football are still played in a handful of British towns once a year.

中国人驾驶汽车时过于胆大妄为,因而低价车与豪华车都会发生事故。The anarchic traffic on Chinese roads takes its toll on low-frills vehicles and luxury cars alike.

校园暴力是一种无政府的破坏校园安定和学生学习环境的行径。School violence is a behavour that being anarchic and destructive to school's stability and studying circumstance.

这个非常苏格拉底式的方法不能是无法无天的天性的崩塌、耗尽、疾患和解体的一个信号?Could not this very Socratic way be a sign of collapse, exhaustion, sickness, and the dissolution of the anarchic instinct?

「我们得到证据的证据显示,在加里曼丹和沙劳越都有大规模无法无天的非法伐木行为,」他说。"We have got evidence of widespread and anarchic illegal logging in national parks in both Kalimantan and Sarawak, " he said.

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从美国在线“封闭花园式”的互联网,到今日无政府状态在线世界的转变,是这十年最重要的事件之一。The shift from the closed garden internet of AOL to today's anarchic online world is one of the biggest stories of the decade.

这个进程包括把经济大权下放给超过30个省,培育了一种无法无天联邦制度。Part of this process involved the radical devolution of economic power to over 30 provinces, fostering a kind of anarchic federalism.

但随着时间推移,无法无天的机会主义与国家引导间——两者都是中国崛起的关键因素——的矛盾定将引发更大的摩擦。But over time, the contradictions between anarchic opportunism and state direction, both vital to China’s rise, will surely result in greater friction.

无政府状态的全球体系,使得各国政府不可能给与彼此全然的信任,迫使各国仅仅以各自的民族利益为导向。The anarchic global structure also makes it impossible for governments to fully trust each other, forcing states to be guided solely by their own national interests.

迅速增多的宗教文本,和迅速增多的宗教派别,创造出了被普遍认为在17世纪40年代初,的潜在的无政府状态的政治状况。The proliferation of religious texts and the proliferation of religious sects produced what was widely seen to be a potentially anarchic political situation in the early 1640s.

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我认为,足球是项没有秩序的运动,缺乏可以复制和练习的固定套路,这些因素使得他口中那种预先安排的复杂套路难以实现。I would suggest that the anarchic nature of football, thelack of set-plays to be replicated and practised, militates against thesort complex pre-rehearsed moves he was talking about.

他的作品通过创造出一个居住着一种快乐的双性动物的神话世界,表达了作者对这种无政府主义的自由索求,也体现了作者的逃避。In his paintings Gu expresses the search for this kind of anarchic freedom and his evasiveness through the creation of a fairytale world inhabited by a kind of cheerful looking hermaphrodites.

那里的虚拟世界开发者克罗斯比•费奇发言「无政府的边缘围绕对等虚拟世界概念,在那里版权侵犯和危险的活动很可能发生。」Virtual world developer Crosbie Fitch says there is an anarchic edge surrounding the peer-to-peer virtual world concept, where copyright infringement and dangerous activities are likely to take place.