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密西西比州被称为“木兰之州”。Mississippi is the Magnolia State.

就是因为他来自于密西西比It's because he's from Mississippi.

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该地区向密西西比河排水。This land drains into the Mississippi.

1861年,密西西比正是脱离英国。In 1861, Mississippi seceded from Union.

马克曾遮密西硒比河上挡过领航毡。Mark used to a pilot on the Mississippi River.

他仍然住在密西西比的佛罗斯特,经常会去打高尔夫。And he’s still in Forest, Mississippi. Playing golf.

他们看到了密西西比河和明尼苏达河的汇合处。They saw the junction of the mississippi and the minnesota.

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维克斯堡位于那里的河流密西西比河和亚祖见面。Vicksburg lies where the Mississippi and Yazoo Rivers meet.

密西西比全长6262千米,名列世界第四。Mississippi sword-boat, ranked fourth world 6262 kilometers.

矿砂和煤已被用驳船沿俄亥俄河运载到密西西比河。Ore and coal had been barged down the Ohio to the Mississippi.

此后四年中,他往返航行于密西西比河上。For the next four years he steamed up and down the Mississippi.

让自由从密西西比每座山头和小丘响起。Let freedom ring from every hill and mole- hill of Mississippi.

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密西西比河可能比任何人想象的还要强大。The Mississippi River may be mightier than anyone ever imagined.

艾维斯·普莱斯利1935年1月8日出生于密西西比州图珀洛市。Elvis Presley was born on 8 January 1935 in Tupelo , Mississippi.

如果西伯利亚和巴西将发生洪水,密西西比河流域也跑不了。If Siberia and Brazil will flood, so will the Mississippi Valley.

1959年,身为囚犯的詹姆斯·卡特正在密西西比河畔服劳役。In 1959, James Carter was working on a chain gang in Mississippi.

我的第一份工作是在密西西比杰克逊的一家眼镜店。My first job was with an optical company in Jackson, Mississippi.

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一只白面猴于七月三十一日从密西西比州的动物园逃脱了。A white-faced monkey escaped from a zoo in Mississippi on July 31.

大约同一时间,赫南所图到达了密西西比河。About the same time, Hernan de Soto reached the Mississippi River.

望着远处的密西西比河…Looking at the Mississippi River beyound, I stay in comtemplation.