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这人厉害极了。The man is merciless.

老天无眼无情,我们人间有爱、也有情!God no merciless eyes, we have human love, love!

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很多时候我们的情感就是这种落花有意流水无情的伤感。Our emotions often water is such a sad merciless.

都冲进苦涩的海水,这无情的海浪!Washes the bitter sea, the merciless surge of the ocean!

丝丝的皱纹与岁月的痕迹,无情地刻划在他的额上。When the merciless marks of age etched lines on his forehead.

那是一张人的面孔,可却有着猫一般的残酷的、犹如黄玉般的眼睛。It had the face of a man, but the merciless topaz eyes of a cat.

暗色羽毛的巨鸟在这两者之间困倦。The sombre-feathered great bird sleepily merciless between them.

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然而,历史是无情的嘲笑者和公正的裁判者。However, history can be both a merciless mocker and a fair judge.

股股浓烟腾上高空污染了无情的蓝天。Columns of greasy black smoke rose up to stain a merciless blue sky.

恐怕将你的尊容给别人,将你的岁月给残忍的人。Or you will give your honor to others, and your years to the merciless.

北韩说,任何类似这样的进一步挑衅行为都将遭到“无情的”打击。It says any further such provocation will be met with a "merciless" attack.

风,无情的抛弃了我的过往,多情的掠走我的惆怅!Wind, the merciless abandon my past, Duoqing the abduction of my melancholy!

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时间对于别出心裁的小花样是最无情的。Time is the most merciless to small pattern different from the usual pattern.

她的策略是用低于市价的价格销售大量家具,同时,她还是一个很无情的谈判对手。Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator.

这笔交易,将以罗尼有意、曼城无情的结局告终。The deal will be interested in Ronny, Manchester City ended with a merciless end.

可敬可佩的人们从贫瘠的土地和严酷的大海谋求生计。An admirable people wrests a living from the reluctant soil and the merciless seas.

丧子之痛,像是无情的利刃刺透了马利亚的心。The pain of losing her Son was like a sharp and merciless sword piercing Mary's soul.

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死神是最狠毒,最阴险,最无情的神啊,我应该高兴?Why should I be proud of such a father--the most vicious, sinister and merciless god?

巴尔和他的名号一模一样,他像一场毫不留情的瘟疫一样,蹂躏了我们的大地和家园。Baal is true to his namesake. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague.

事实上,我们往往将人类之间的冷血争斗形容成兽性。As a matter of fact, we tend to describe a merciless fight between humans as animal-like.