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萝莉念了一个很短的故事。Lolly read a very short story.

它可能是一种棒糖或是一种游戏的名字。It could be the name of a lolly , or a game.

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戴着帽子的小狗看着小猫,他在等着得到那个笼子。He's waiting to get the cage, Hey lolly lolly lo.

这支雪条是由一层脆皮朱古力覆盖着的。This ice lolly is covered with a crispy chocolate layer.

为什么吃完冰棍后会头疼甚至头晕?。The meeting after why eating ice- lolly headaches giddy even?

您有试过在街上购买雪糕、雪条边吃边走吗?Have you bought any ice-cream or ice lolly and eaten them on street?

是。爷爷带我们来玩儿﹐他去买冰棍儿了。Yes, my grandpa brought us here and he has gone to buy some ice- lolly.

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女性办公室舔冰棍是性骚扰。How a woman suggestively licking a lolly could face a sex harassment case.

大奖最终落到了两只吉娃娃犬的头上,一只叫“美味烤龙虾”,另一只叫“汽水棒棒糖”。The grand prize went to Lobster Bake Yum Yum and Lolly Pop, two small Chihuahua's.

杭州野生动物园,一只狒狒热得不行,直接吃起了冰盖来消暑。A baboon enjoying an ice lolly to cool off at Hangzhou Wild Animal Zoo, Hangzhou, China

在这段一分钟的短片中,女职员边舔冰棍,边发出吮吸声,在场的男同事们十分尴尬地把脸转过往。Male colleagues look away awkwardly as she moans and licks the lolly in the minute-long clip.

来月经的时候狂运动吃冰棍喝凉水会怎么样?Forthcoming month classics when how does violent campaign eat ice- lolly to drink cold water to meet?

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人们吃着各种新式的棒冰,住进了空调间,享受着凉爽。People eating a variety of new ice lolly , was admitted to the air-conditioning, the enjoyment of the cool.

但她们没离开几步,她妈就把棒棒糖硬是从小女孩嘴里给拿出来扔到垃圾筒里了。But, however, Her mother took the lolly away from her mouth with forcing and throw it to ash bin after they left for a few steps like.

不过他的每一个雕像——如他设计的巧克力集,我品尝的巧克力棒棒糖——可以,事实上也是需要能够食用的。But each of his sculptures – like the collections of chocolates he devises and the chocolate lolly I taste – can be, in fact demands to be, eaten.

高温天气来袭,生活在安徽合肥野生动物园内的一些松鼠猴靠吃冰棒来解暑降温。Several squirrel monkeys cool themselves off with ice- lolly as record high temperatures hit Hefei Safari Park, E. China's Anhui Province on August 15, 2006.