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是否有什么不利长期后果?Were there any detrimental long term effects?

缺乏睡眠是有害于健康的。Lack of sleep is detrimental to one 's health.

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土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.

这种内耗对SOA非常有害。This in-fighting can be very detrimental to SOA.

但我认为试图为之改变会是有害不利的。But I think that correcting for it would be detrimental.

但我认为试图为之改变会是有害不利的。But I think that correcting for it would be detrimental.

但我认为对那种情况进行矫正将是有害的。But I think that correcting for it would be detrimental.

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这对冷轧管机的发展是不利的。This is the development of cold-rolled pipe is detrimental.

经济学家认为通货紧缩对经济是不利的。Economists consider deflation to be detrimental to the economy.

互联网上充斥着很多有害信息。The word-wide-web is swarmed with much detrimental information.

有时候太多的关注和太少的关注一样的不利。Sometimes too much attention is just as detrimental as too little.

这种生活观对心理和生理都有害无益。This outlook on life is psychologically harmful and physically detrimental.

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认为“改变是不可能“的,研究是有害的。And the research that argues that it's not possible to change,is detrimental.

而且有些所谓的”新机遇“对于健康有不好的影响。And some of those new opportunities are having a detrimental effect on health.

如果把这当作全部的真理,则是有害的。And if it's taken as the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,it's detrimental.

硫对焊接性能也不利,降低耐腐蚀性。Sulfur is also detrimental to welding performance, reducing corrosion resistance.

其研究结果提醒我们关于剧透者引发的不良效应。They introduce their study reminding us about the detrimental effects of spoilers

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然而这种“悔不当初”的心境却会有损健康。But holding on to "what might have been" can actually be detrimental to your health.

长期来看,半途而废的代码成本要高得多,而且会伤害业务。The half-assed code eventually costs a lot higher and is detrimental to the business.

因此,有必要探讨其潜在的不利影响。Thus there is a need to investigate their potential detrimental effects, " says Cramb.