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使用长弓杀死30名敌人。Defeat 30 enemies with the Longbow.

回应你所谓的用诸葛弩对抗长弓。Repeater crossbows is countered by the longbow.

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长弓的远程攻击减少2,近身攻击减少1。Reduced longbow ranged attack by 2 and hand attack by 1.

事实是,即使很近的距离内,长弓依然无法穿透板甲。The truth is even at close range a longbow wont pierce plate armour.

其穿透性达到了英国紫杉长弓的水平。That kind of penetration is only achieved with the British yew longbow.

英国规定,所有14岁以上男性每天必须进行两个小时的拉弓练习。In the UK, all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day.

奥兹有一张未完工的长弓是以紫杉木雕的,它张力十足,最适合做弓。His unfinished longbow was carved from yew the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength.

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该模拟器将向机组和维修人员提供全面、高保真的训练。The simulators could be deployed in theatre to provide comprehensive, high fidelity training for Longbow aircrews and maintenance personnel.

波音公司生产的训练设备可以提供综合的、高真实性的“长弓”机组人员训练和维护人员。The suite of Boeing-produced training devices provides comprehensive, high-fidelity training for Longbow aircrews and maintenance personnel.

根据合同,训练器进行了数百处独立的升级,以确保和真实的“长弓阿帕奇”直升机保持一致。Under the contract, hundreds of individual upgrades were performed on the trainers to ensure concurrency with the Apache Longbow helicopter.

尽管其中多数技能只宜应用于商业领域,但每位成员都具有长弓在手箭不虚发的天赋。Though most of their skills are trade orientated, virtually all guild members can both string and fire and longbow properly with genuine skill.

起源于威尔士的长弓部队,通常使用稜形箭镞,几乎可穿透所有盔甲。Originating from Wales, a longbow using a 'bodkin' arrow, a hard chiselled tip shaped like an elongated pyramid, can pierce all but the best armour.

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你用长弓的技巧可以齐箭射向天空,降下箭雨杀死敌人。也增加了你的箭袋容量。Your skill with the Longbow allows you to fire a volley of arrows into the sky, raining death down on your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.

通过粘贴小倒刺箭,每个长弓射击有机会造成敌人大出血。也增加了你的箭袋容量。By affixing small barbs to your arrows, each Longbow shot has a chance to deal heavy Bleeding Damage to your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.

你的射箭技能赋予你大量攻击加值到伤害,当使用长弓和增加了一些箭枝容量,可以在你再次射击前燃烧。Your skill at archery grants you a large bonus to damage while using a Longbow and increases the number of arrows that can be fired before reloading your quiver.

Fokker和波音在阿帕奇项目上已经合作了14年,到目前为止,Fokker已经为阿帕奇AH—64D长弓直升机提供了大约900套FAB设备。Fokker and Boeing have been working together for 14 years in the Apache program and Fokker has now produced almost 900 FAB sets for the Apache AH64D Longbow in Hoogeveen.

波音公司在全球范围内交付了多套“长弓”训练设备,并对它们进行支持,其中包括美国陆军位于美国、韩国、德国、伊拉克和阿富汗的基地。Boeing delivered and supported Longbow training devices around the world, including Army posts throughout the United States and in South Korea, Germany, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

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经作战验证的AH-64D长弓阿帕奇直升机是阿帕奇最新型直升机,作为攻击直升机的候选,满足世界各地的攻击和侦察需求。The combat-proven AH-64D Apache Longbow is the newest version of the Apache and a candidate to fulfill the attack helicopter and reconnaissance requirements of numerous armed forces worldwide.