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吾人慎勿忘日本乃一顽强之民族。Let us not forget that the Japanese are an intransigent people.

刻划成哲学家中,极端不妥协派的例子,像是社会中的激进评论者或提问者。as presenting the most intransigent case for the philosopher as a radical critic or questioner of society.

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因为,如果如传言所说,她已经到了死亡的边缘,那么反动分子也许就不会做出这一让步了。As if she was on the point of death as some rumors have suggested, the guerillas might be less intransigent.

现在商业目标是推动者并代表此工作的最不妥些的方面。Now, however, business objectives are the drivers, and represent the most intransigent aspect of this effort.

中东和平遥遥无期,因为以色列和回教国家仍然毫不妥协。Peace in the Middle East is a remote prospect because both Israel and the Islamic nations remain intransigent.

作为一个不妥协的非客观画家,他憎恶具体的形象,特别是表现主义和装饰风格。As fin intransigent non-objective painter, he is antipathetic to figuration, especially Expressionist and decorative.

哎呀,当初的设想是,出于对坚持顽固不化立场带来的政治代价的恐惧,两党会做出妥协。Well, maybe the idea was that the parties would compromise out of fear that there would be a political price for seeming intransigent.

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我们可以开始清楚地发现,亚里士多德的最佳政体,如何有别于柏拉图,对哲学家国王统治的不妥协要求。We can begin to see it is clear how Aristotle's best regime differs from Plato's intransigent demand for the rule of philosopher-kings.

只有在其顽固的领导人让其欧盟伙伴接受波斯尼亚警察改革的精简版本,波斯尼亚方可在协议胜出。Bosnia won the deal only after its intransigent leaders wore down their EU partners into accepting a watered-down version of reform for Bosnia’s police.

中国即将举行的20国集团首脑会议将是中国最辉煌的时刻,但可能会被北京对南海争端的顽固行为所掩盖。The forthcoming G20 summit in China was to have been China's crowning moment but is likely to be overshadowed by the intransigent behaviour by Beijing towards the SCS dispute.

伊斯兰教和基督教聂斯脱里派于7世纪传入中国,17世纪时天主教耶稣会试图融入中国文化,但遭到强硬的罗马教廷的阻挠,都是中国历史和文化的一部分。The arrival of Islam and Nestorian Christians in the 7th century, and the famous Jesuit adaptation to Chinese culture during the 17th century, thwarted by an intransigent Vatican, are part of it.