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小男孩一溜烟儿跑了。The boy ran away swiftly.

一只蜈蚣飞快地爬开了。A centipede snaked swiftly away.

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车轮飞快地转动着。The wheels were turning swiftly.

“桑多瓦尔太太,”霍默很快地说。"Mrs. Sandoval, " Homer said swiftly.

科学家们迅速的谴责了该裁定。Scientists swiftly condemned the ruling.

太阳正迅速沈下海面。The sun is dipping swiftly into the sea.

大片大片的白云在高空飘过。On high the great white clouds slid swiftly.

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愚蠢的莎莉迅速地赶走七只笨小羊。Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

前方的军事局势急转直下。The military on the front went swiftly ahead.

小船轻捷地在水面向前滑行着。The boat glided swiftly onward over the river.

我们必须迅速就这一紧急状况作出反应。We must act swiftly to respond to the urgency.

车子此刻沿着书院街急驶而下。The car sloped swiftly now down academy street.

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瞄准感动,思绪在我脑中健步如飞。Target moved Jianbu thoughts in my mind swiftly.

时而会有喀拉作响的大型有轨街车轻快地开过。Sometimes a large tram would rattle swiftly past.

球从投手手中快速旋转飞出。The ball twisted swiftly from the pitcher's hand.

快速进行了重组之后,公司又良好地回弹。This was swiftly done. The company rebounded well.

一些亲藏抗议者被迅速镇压。A few pro-Tibetan protests were swiftly suppressed.

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柏克利出版公司立即取消了出版其自传的计划。Berkley Books swiftly dropped plans to publish his memoir.

如果她的品位过于菜市场,就让她迅速可以去听和弦乐。If her taste is too down-market, she swiftly goes upscale.

那个漂泊者敏捷地将礼物换到电梯的左边。The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of the lift.