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分子和细胞神经科学。Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences.

精细胞是否有细胞周期?。Whether does afterbirth have cellular cycle?

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正当阿笨在酒吧时,他的手机响了。Ah Beng in a bar and his cellular phone rings.

这部手机是水货还是韩货?Is this cellular phone smuggled or Korea made?

移动蜂窝电话人口覆盖率。Mobile cellular coverage of population in percent.

那么同样的原理能否适用于细胞类呢?Could the same principle apply at the cellular level?

CABC是这个格子结构的一个对称面。CABC is a plane of symmetry of the cellular structure.

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他们是细胞社会中的少年犯。They are the juvenile delinquents of cellular society.

松软料子通常比硬板板的料子暖和些。A cellular material is usually warmer than a solid one.

这让提高手机速度的整体创意失色不少。This undercuts the whole idea of faster cellular speeds.

起泡是癌细胞形成中非常关键的一步。Blebbing is important in a variety of cellular processes.

icer是细胞降解RNA的内在机制Dicer is an internal cellular mechanism for degrading RNA's.

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目的研究肿瘤的特异性细胞免疫。Objective To study the specific cellular immunity of tumors.

实际上,它仅仅是始建于2005年的一座非常普通的蜂窝式铁塔。Actually it’s a simple cellular tower that was built in 2005.

维生素D可以促进身体细胞再生。Vitamin D -- Helps cellular regeneration throughout the body.

你可能真诚地帮助,但是只限在细胞层次。You may be genuinely helping, but only at the cellular level.

手机、务通、动电源一个都不能少!Cellular phone , business, move power supply1 can't be little!

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手机、商务通、移动电源一个都不能少!Cellular phone, business, move power supply 1 can't be little!

摩托罗拉,世界上最畅销、最受欢迎的移动电话。The best-selling, most-preferred cellular phones in the world.

手机响了是伊云哲打过来的。Cellular phone's ringing is what Yi cloud Zhe dozen comes over.