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这是我们的诅咒。It is our curse.

我诅咒你堕入地狱!I curse you in hell!

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爱只是一个祸端。Love is but a curse.

没有人诅咒沙皇。None curse the Czar.

我知,这是对我的诅咒-什么?I know. It's a curse.

杰克诅咒了一声。Jack emitted a curse.

不许你用三字经骂我!…Don't you dare curse me!

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解除玛玟夫人的诅咒。Lift Lady Marwen's curse.

金雀花,俗称农民的诅咒。Gorse. The farmers’ curse.

你敢骂越南人?You dare curse Vietnamese?

不可诅咒他们“Bless and do not curse them."

小金库好比一个巨大的诅咒。A light purse is a heavy curse.

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听罢诅咒太阳落去。At his curse the sun went down.

但是在音乐中,张楚从不咒骂。But he never curse in his music.

隐藏的心之咒。The Curse of the Occluded Heart.

这就是黑金的危害。This is the curse of black gold.

他的财富成了祸根。His wealth proved a curse to him.

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这些棉铃虫真可恶!What a curse those bollworms are!

习惯既是一种祝福也是一种咒诅。Habits are a blessing, and a curse.

我把它成为丰裕的魔咒。I called it the curse of abundance.