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届时德国总统霍斯特•科勒先生将到场出席。German president Horst Köhler is also expected to attend the event.

正如霍斯特所说的那样,我期待着我们共同出访非洲。I am looking forward to our joint visit to Africa, as Horst has mentioned.

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豪斯特把性能问题称作自己的“绝对头等大事”之一。Mr. Horst called the issue of performance one of his “absolute priorities.”

德国总理默克尔和总统霍斯特.克勒出席了纪念仪式。Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Horst Koehler attended the remembrance.

文西地垒带油气富集程度高而文西顺向屋脊带油气富集程度低。Oil and gas enrichment de- gree is high in Wenxi horst and low in Wenxi consequent roofing area.

滚动背斜、挤压背斜、地垒等构造是油气富集的主要场所。Among them, rollover anticline, compression anticline and horst are the main area of hydrocarbon enrichment.

2010年5月18日,国务院总理温家宝在中南海紫光阁会见德国总统克勒。On May 18, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with German President Horst Koehler in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

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在之前简短的开幕仪式上,德国总统霍斯特·科勒尔正式宣布世界杯开赛。Earlier in a short opening ceremony the President of Germany, Horst Koehler, officially declared the tournament open.

我同样期待着与霍斯特·克勒先生携手合作,并相信我们已经有了一个良好的开端。I look forward to working in the same close relationship with Horst Köhler, and I believe we have made a great start.

我们会尊重他的决定,然后我们会为我们的未来做打算,”俱乐部运动部主管海德特说。We will respect his decision and we will start making plans for the future, " said the club's sporting director Horst Heldt."

星期二晚上,霍斯特将和新经理约翰-哈蒙德一起出席新泽西州赛考克斯举行的来年新秀顺位抽签。Horst will join new general manager John Hammond as the Bucks' representatives at the draft lottery Tuesday in Secaucus, N. J.

“他会加盟瓦伦西亚,但是还没有被公开,因为我们都希望他能留下”斯图加特经理赫斯特说。He will join Valencia, but it has not been announced yet, because of who they have in goal, said Stuttgart manager Horst Heldt.

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在此,我要衷心感谢我的同仁,康斯坦茨市弗兰克市长的慷慨相赠。And hereby l would cordially like to express my deep gratitude to my counterpart, the Lord Mayor Horst Frank, for this generous gift.

在被称为南极大地垒的山脉附近,沿线2000英里范围内已有多处找到了煤,尽管大多数质量很差。Coal-much of it of poor quality-has been found at many points along the 2,000 mile mountain system known as the Great Antarctica Horst.

在被称为南极地垒的山脉附近,沿线2000英里范围内已有多处找到了煤,尽管多数质量很差。Coal—much of it of poor quality—has been found at many points along the 2,000 mile mountain system known as the Great Antarctica Horst.

2010年5月17日下午,国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂同德国总统克勒举行会谈。On the afternoon of May 17, 2010, Chinese President Hu Jintao held talks with German President Horst Koehler at the Great Hall of the People.

杨村斜坡不具有相邻文安斜坡“深沟高垒”式的垒嵌结构,而是一个相对简单的单斜。The Wenan Slope was characterized by the structure of"deep channel and high horst", while the Yangcun Slope showed a relative simple monoclinic.

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因德国军队海外部署的评论而遭批判的德国总统霍斯特·科勒宣布立即辞职。German President Horst Koehler says he is resigning immediately, following criticism of remarks he made about German military deployments abroad.

因德国军队海外部署的评论而遭批判的德国总统霍斯特…German President Horst Koehler says he is resigning immediately, following criticism of remarks he made about German military deployments abroad.

在悉尼西南20英里处的一个树木繁茂的地区,霍斯特斯.特鲁夫和迈克尔.戈兹沃西在政府研究所不停地瞎琢磨。Twenty miles southwest of Sydney, in a wooded region, Horst Struve and Michael Goldsworthy kept tinkering with the idea at a government institute.