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支持mp3和弦铃声。MP3 polyphonic ring tone.

从整体来看,这部小说是一部复调小说。It is as a whole a polyphonic novel.

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马库斯,说吧,复音织体If you've got a--Marcus, please? Polyphonic.

它也可以转换和弦和单音铃声。It can also convert polyphonic and monophonic ringtones.

巴赫金的“复调小说”理论是以对话理论为基础的。Mikhail Bakhtin's polyphonic novel is based on his dialogic theory.

这个东西可以播放你自己编的和弦铃声。This thing can play polyphonic ring tones that you compose yourself!

作为二战后“运动艺术”的突出代表,阿加姆将艺术的表达溶入时间因素。As leading exponent of polyphonic art, Agam express art by time factor.

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创意曲是复调音乐的体裁之一,它是一种小型的复调乐曲。As a major genre of polyphonic music, invention is short in composition.

好好听这个,非模仿式织体,复音织体So listen to a good example of non-imitative texture, polyphonic texture.

两个渠道发挥和弦的音急速弹奏,一个发挥实际和弦和弦。Two channels play chords as arpeggio, one plays actual polyphonic chords.

在基于内容的数字音乐检索研究中,其音乐库大都直接使用复合音音乐数据文件。Much of the work on content based music query focuses on polyphonic music files.

独奏和乐队部分交融在一起,复调织体却又十分透明。Solo and tutti themes are subtly interwoven and the polyphonic texture is transparent.

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这里的额尔德什老人是世界上唯一能用“苏尔”吹奏三重和弦的人。Gaile here Emi is the world's only the elderly can "Sool" triple play polyphonic person.

他的很多钢琴作品都习惯以并联的符干来表示作品的复调基性。Multiple stemming is used to indicate the polyphonic basis of much of his piano writing.

如果将之放到其他的小旋律中,将会改变对位材质。If you put in other little strands of melody, it changes it more toward polyphonic texture.

我们来听完这段复音织体,贝多芬,我们多说一点Let's listen to the end of the polyphonic texture, then Beethoven, and we'll stop with this.

其特征则表现为零度叙事、复调叙事和非史诗叙事。And the characteristics include zero narrative, polyphonic narrative, and non-epic narrative.

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巴赫金在对陀思妥耶夫斯基创作的解读中提出了复调小说理论。The theory of polyphonic novel was put forward by Bahtin in the interpretation of Dostoevsky.

用户可以节省打电话给团体和对他们的照片和一个20和弦铃声。The user can save callers to groups and pair them with a photo and one of 20 polyphonic ringtones.

他小说中的多条线索、多个声部和多种思想,则形成了小说的复调结构。As a result, Thomas Hardy's Polyphonic novels are composed of those clues, voice parts and ideas together.