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第一章封土骑士军役制度。Chapter 1 Fief military service system.

第二章货币封土军役制度。Chapter 2 Money fief military service system.

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那么元代的时候啊是成吉思汗子孙的封地。And in the Yuan Dynasty, it was the fief of Genghis Khan's descendants.

骑士和他的新娘在肯特郡的坎特伯雷附近的封邑安居乐业,并生育了五个孩子。Sir Rolandhis bride lived happily ever after in his fief near Canterbury. They had five children.

骑士和他的新娘在肯特郡的坎特伯雷附近的封邑安居乐业,并生育了五个孩子。Sir Roland and his bride lived happily ever after in his fief near Canterbury. They had five children.

那时他们地封地韩原,就是如今陕西省韩城县南方地中央。At that time, the fief of the original Korean, is now South Korea County in Shaanxi Province to the south.

当你已经证明自己,你将被封爵,然后再经过多些时间,才有你的第一个领地。At some point you'll have proved yourself and you will be knighted , and then after some more time, a fief.

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当然,对默多克父子来说更严峻的是,新闻集团内部只有少数股东将集团视为家族产业经营。It will also surely be harder for the Murdochs, only a minority shareholder in News Corp, to run the company as a family fief.

它这么叫是因为它原是阿基泰恩公爵领地中北部边界的一块封地。So called because of its location as a northern border fief of the duchy of Aquitaine, it became part of the French crown lands in1531.

因应商品经济发展需要的货币封土军役制度是沟通二者的桥梁。Responding to the development needs of the commodity economic, money fief military service system become a bridge of transition between them.

在资本主义产生的过程中,富裕农民经历了由采邑制度下的农民向资本主义农场主的演进。In the forming of capitalism, the well-to-do peasant has undergone an evolution from the peasant under a system of Fief to the capitalist farmer.

诺曼征服初期,征服的大量土地为封土骑士军役制度的实行提供了前提和物资保障,使之成为一种高效的防御机制。Early Norman Conquer, large amount of land has provided a guarantee for fief military service system, so that it will become a highly effective defense mechanism.

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这证明李如圭、邢昺的解释是正确的,而皇侃的“往费为季氏采邑之宰”说难以成立。" This proves that if-kyu Lee, Xing Bing's interpretation is correct, and Huang Kan's "to the fee for Jishi fief of the slaughter, " said could not be established.

你给他的心灵一个新的形象,他就会逃遁到一个寂寞的花园或是阁楼上去享受它,这梦想使他们那样富有,即使给他一州作为采邑,也还抵不过它。Mind you give him a new image, he would escape to a lonely garden or attic to enjoy it, this dream of them as rich, even if a state as a fief to him, but it has also arrived.

东汉封君封地的地理位置及其分布特点是东汉中央掌权者与封君之间政治关系和经济利益的具体体现。The characteristic of geographical location and distribution of fief reflected the political and economic relationships between the rulers of the central government and the sovereign.

俄中关系曾经是两国政治家和外交官的专有领域,现在已经拥有广泛的民众基础。Let me mention one other thing. Our inter-governmental relations have gone from being the traditional fief of professional politicians and diplomats to something that truly belongs to our peoples.