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满足是什么?What is contentment?

还是知足长乐?Changle or Contentment?

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它是指真正的满足吗?Does it mean true contentment?

浅薄无聊和朴素知足的真正价值。of simplicity and contentment.

我只要怡然知足的恬静To make that calm contentment mine

他的笑脸流露出很满足。His smiling face radiates contentment.

我非常喜欢乡村生活。A country life of arcadian contentment.

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然而敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了。But godliness with contentment is great gain.

那位老人晚年过得很称心。The old man spent his old age in contentment.

首先要乐天知命,知足常乐。First optimistic attitude to life, contentment.

他怡然自得的心情渐渐消失了。His mood of contentment was beginning to lapse.

我们付予员工满足与丰裕。We bring contentment and affluence to employees.

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求祢帮助我们,以知足的心追求敬虔。Please help me pursue godliness with contentment.

一种深深的知足和感恩心油然生起。A deep feeling of contentment and appreciation arose.

寻求满足最好的方式之一就是心怀感激。Gratitude is one of the best ways to find contentment.

很多人都认为猫是因为满足和愉快才发出这种声音的。Many suggest a cat purrs from contentment and pleasure.

在开放和满足之情中,发现上师就在我心中。In openness and contentment I found the Lama in my heart.

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但更为重要的是要懂得知足常乐。But more importantly, they are about achieving contentment.

只听见一声长“叹”,带着无比的满足,从后座传来。I replied. A deep sigh of contentment came from the backseat.

因而我们在摒弃过多贪恋的同时,要努力找寻那份知足。One should abandon attachments and strive to find contentment.