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杏仁蛋糕,有奶油和用酸橙调味。Marzipan cake with creme de menthe and lime zest.

用杏仁碎和可食用珍珠点缀。Enrobed in marzipan with edible pearls and flourishes.

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当地传统上也用杏仁小饼和小胡萝卜作为缀饰。Little marzipan carrots are the traditional decoration.

现在有三分之一的中上层经理人是女性——“杏仁糖层”——她谈到。A third of upper-middle managers are now women—“the marzipan layer”—she notes.

这是“杏仁层,”正如我在世界首脑会议蒂娜布朗妇女的教训。It's the "marzipan layer, " as I learned at Tina Brown's Women in the World summit.

将杏仁糕,牛油和糖粉用搅拌器打3分钟直到材料完全均匀。Beat marzipan paste, butter and powdered sugar with an electric mixer for 3 minute or until well combined.

加了苦杏酒和杏仁糖的苹果派芳香浓郁,弥补了木薯奶油及红酒浸过的梨子的味道。Apple pie with amaretto and marzipan had a rich aroma that complemented the tapioca creme and wine-soaked pears.

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自产自销的“冠多公司”在黎巴嫩成立。主要产品为硬糖、果冻和杏仁蛋白软糖。Gandour is established as a factory store in Lebanon. The Initial product lines are Hard Boiled Candies, Loukoum and Marzipan.

混合牛油,鸡蛋,香草糖和砂糖在一个搅拌盆里,拌匀后加入杏仁糕继续搅拌至完全均匀。Mix butter, eggs, vanilla sugar and sugar in a mixing bowl until well combined. Add the marzipan and continue to stir until smooth.

我自己还需要买黄油、鸡蛋、桔子和柠檬皮,最后分别浇上糖霜和杏仁蛋白糖,这些都是经常会买的东西。I needed to buy butter, eggs, orange and lemon zest, and eventually icing and marzipan separately – which is a fair old shopping list.

一位品尝过这种酒的人形容它有着洁净皮肤、沙地、核果和生杏仁的气味,还有杏仁蛋白糖的香气。One drinker described the treat as having the smell of cleanscrubbed skin, sandy earth, stone fruit and raw almonds, with the aroma of marzipan.

起初蜂蜜的清香伴随着柠檬、橙子的芬芳,丰富的黄油、烤榛仁、奶油杏仁糖、杏仁软糖和白巧克力的芳香交织融合。An initial aroma of honey with hints of lemon and lime. A rich buttery and roasted hazelnut bouquet with hints of nougat, marzipan and white chocolate.

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烤乳猪是古巴、西班牙、葡萄牙、匈牙利和奥地利的传统新年食品。Roast suckling pig is served for New Year's in Cuba, Spain,Portugal, Hungary, and Austria—Austrians are also known to decorate thetable with miniature pigs made of marzipan.

公司打出了“非常独特口感”的口号,更加新奇的配方,新鲜奶油芦笋酱料混合杏仁,杏仁蛋白软糖的及巧克力。Slightly more obscure, the firm has come up with "a very special taste sensation", a the filling that is a blend of fresh creamed asparagus soup enriched with nougat, marzipan and chocolate.