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凝结的水滴称为霜。The frozen droplets are called rime.

清晨地里覆盖着一层白霜。The field was covered with rime in the early morning.

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本文介绍了收集雾淞和雪样的方法。A method for collecting rime ice and snow samples are described.

学校坐落在风景迷人的雾凇之都、中国魅力城市——吉林市。It is situated in the Rime Metropolis and Charming City --- Jilin.

这就是名列中国四大自然奇观之一的吉林雾凇。This is Wu Song, one of China 's four natural wonders – Jilin Rime.

远处的街道和楼房隐在一片濛濛的白雾中。And all those buildings and streets are fading away in the rime fog.

他的头顶、眉骨及瘦削的下巴上,都覆盖着白皑皑的寒霜。A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin.

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所有不同类型的雪晶上都缀有霜。All the different types of snow crystals can be found decorated with rime.

建立了对应于霜冰和光冰的两种冰增长模型。The two ice accretion models corresponding rime and glaze are established.

雾凇和雨雾凇在NW风向附近次数最多。The most of soft rime and mixed icing appeared at about wind direction of NW.

通常,早晨九点钟后,雾凇会从树上脱落下来。Usually, after nine o'clock in the morning, the rime will fell down from the trees.

当飘舞的雾凇落到我们头顶和肩膀上时,我们会感到特别清爽。When the flying rime falls on our heard and shoulders, we feel especially fresh and cool.

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他运用许多晶体武器和外来的合金材料可以在这里等到冷却。With a host of rime weapons and exotic alloys at his disposal, it could get cold in here.

近期由于东北地区气温骤降,在松花江的两岸出现了这种漂亮的雾凇景观,引来了大批的游客。"Fog at night "is to mean viewing the fog on the Songhua River on the night before the rime forms.

它在审美场的历史发展中形成,成为人类美学的结晶。It grows in the historical evolution of the aesthetic field and becomes the rime of human's aesthetics.

在冰霜打击这部分,一直用冰霜打击直到没有符文能量。在这期间也借助白霜的触发去施放凛风冲击。During the FS section, Frost Strike until out of Runic Power. Use Rime procs to cast HB during this time as well.

总理表示其政党联盟下的立法者们可以根据自己的良心考量来对这项法案自由投票。Rime Minister Prodi has said lawmakers in his divided coalition are free to vote on it according to their conscience.

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冬天的天气格外寒冷,雪纷纷扬扬地下着,雪白透明的雾凇是冬天最为美丽的景色之一。Winter weather is cold, snow swirl underground, white transparent rime is one of the most beautiful scenery in winter.

美国银行的潜在获利,足以完全抵消其迄今为止因美国次级抵押贷款危机所面临的问题。BofA's potential gain more than outweighs the problems it faces so far as a result of the US su rime mortgage meltdown.

这是我艰苦训练的结果,我是第一次成功地完成那三个后空翻"。It's the result of my hard training. And that three backward somersaults was the first rime that I have done it successfully.