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叹惜自然的强大。Lamenting the nature are strong.

哀悼苍天的那些夭逝的儿女!Lamenting the dead children of the air.

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蝈蝈儿正为秋天临近而哀鸣。Katydids were lamenting fall 's approach.

幽梦百转千回,哀叹难平。Meng hundred thousand turn back, lamenting it hard.

战士还在为思念亲人而叹息。The soldiers are still lamenting for their families.

中国球迷表达了对姚明退役的惋惜。Chinese fans were vocal in lamenting Yao's departure.

他还在为战争中死去的朋友而悲痛。He is still lamenting for friends who died in the war.

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你听起来像在悲叹,一只如鸽喁喁的蝴蝶。It sounds as though you were lamenting , a butterfly cooing like a dove.

因此当她对于没人穿鸟笼裙感到悲哀的时候,我决定试试。So when she started lamenting about cage skirts I decided to take a look.

即使还在哀叹它那壮大的力量和权力,世界仍在喂养野兽。The world keeps feeding the beast while lamenting it's growing strength and power.

吉纳维芙属于我们节食俱乐部,她又叹息她的体重增加了。Genevieve belongs to our Diet Club and she was lamenting that she had gained weight.

这位母亲感叹的不只是房东的贪婪,更多的是她自己命运的反复无常。More than the miserliness of the landlord, the mother is lamenting the capriciousness of her fate.

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你的话都是毫无依据的推测,西印度传说中的恶鬼都会为有你这样的美国人感到哀痛。Schweik, your comment is a total non-sequitur. Duppy is lamenting the stupidity of Americans like you.

布可夫斯基将他的悲伤和毁灭感转化为一连串的诗歌和小说,以悼念死去的爱人。Bukowski turned his grief and devastation into a powerful series of poems and stories lamenting her passing.

难道你丈夫是这么一个宝贝,以致你要匍匐在那儿,为他痛哭哀号?Is your husband such a precious bargain that you should be grovelling there, lamenting and groaning for him?

这周我读了一篇哀叹青年才俊技术能力并对指责英足总的文章。I read an article this week lamenting the technical ability of the country’s young talent and blaming the FA.

她还回忆到,拉登说过他的母亲是一个小妾,并为他的兄弟出自不同的母亲而叹息。She also recalled him saying his mother was a concubine and lamenting that his brothers were from different mothers.

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每个人都在为争取自己没有的东西而努力奋斗,同时又在为自己的失去的东西悲伤悔恨。Veryone is struggling to gain something which he does not possess, and he's lamenting for something which he has lost.

弥尔顿正在为寂寂无名的诗人的,艰苦的生活而悲叹。Milton has just been lamenting the fact that the laborious days of the poet might not result in a sudden blaze of fame.

他不希望自己的团队用太多的时间去庆祝某种好的东西,或者是抱怨某种不好的东西。He doesn't want his team spending too much time celebrating something that went right or lamenting something that went wrong.