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他沉浸在巨大的欢乐之中。He is in immeasurable joy.

而它所产生的影响也是不可估量的。Its influence has been immeasurable.

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好了,祝你钱途无量!Well, I wish you Qiantu immeasurable !

提及不可度量的,他们意指无条件的,绝对的。By immeasurable they mean unconditional.

她怎能用别的办法向他表达无限的感激?How else could she show her immeasurable gratitude?

但这个无限财富之地还未被发现。But this place of immeasurable riches hasn't been found.

如果能亲近有仁德的人,那将带给我们多么大的好处。To follow the truly humane will bring immeasurable good.

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要是不亲热有仁德的人,那将带给咱们如许大的坏处。To not follow the truly humane will bring immeasurable harm.

你们想度量那无限而不可测量的时间。You would measure time the measureless and the immeasurable.

军事战争的后果残酷无情,牺牲难以估量。The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable.

这对中国人心理上的提振起到了不可比拟的作用。The psychology boost for the Chinese is probably near immeasurable.

非常感归属使我们无法估量的期望。The very sense of belongingness has led us to immeasurable expectations.

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一个奉献的、爱意而耐心的伴侣对她可能是无价的事。A giving, loving and patient partner can be of immeasurable value to her.

但请不要告诉一位科学家他想要理解的事情是不能测量的。But don't tell a scientist the thing he wants to understand is immeasurable.

一旦网络受到恶意攻击或破坏,带来的损失将是无法估量的。But if the network is attacked spitefully , the expense would be immeasurable.

自然是由于她有广大无边的爱了。That is because she has an immeasurable and boundless love to all living beings.

爱就是几何形状,爱就是科学,爱是无限神圣的。Love that is geometric, love that is scientific, a love of immeasurable sacredness.

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所以,这个怨结可以推到无量劫之后,你说这个事情麻烦不麻烦!Therefore this hate can exist for immeasurable kalpas, which is really troublesome.

人与动物不同,难以衡量的是在于人类情感的深度和强度。what an immeasurable difference there is in the depth and vehemence of his emotions!

这就是美不胜收的湖心岛公园,一个让你体验绝美户外的绝佳场所。It is a place of immeasurable beauty, and an outstanding outdoor laboratory and classroom.