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我们提倡俭朴的生活。We advocate plain living.

我主张的是有丝分裂。I'm an advocate of mitosis.

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我并不提倡避免云。I do not advocate cloud-avoidance.

我一直主张睡个小觉。I'velong been an advocate for napping.

我一直主张睡个小觉。哪种方式最好?I've long been an advocate for napping.

我不倡导任何暴力革命。I don't advocate any violent revolution.

让我暂时扮演一下魔鬼的代言人。Let me play devil's advocate for a moment.

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这个卫生间的主材是页岩。Of this toilet advocate material is shaly.

我不主张建大工厂。I do not advocate building large factories.

一个自信的、一个有主张的阳光女孩!A self-confident, an advocate of sunny girl!

1604年他任民法博士协会律师。He was an advocate of Doctors Commons in 1604.

1604年他任民法博士协会律师。He was an advocate of doctors commons in 1604.

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这就是为什么我要提倡使用用户场景。This is why I advocate employing user stories.

主卧向南带独立卫生间。Advocate lie to the south with separate toilet.

他是“停车再换乘”计划的热情拥护者。He is a keen advocate of park-and-ride schemes.

他是个不知疲倦的经济改革的倡导者。He was an untiring advocate of economic reform.

本厂奉行质量第一、信誉至上。Our factory advocate quality best, credit first.

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劝告居民使用无磷洗涤剂。Advocate people to use phosphorus-free detergent.

不过,坦贝斯特仍然继续着她倡议者的工作。Still, Tempest continues her work as an advocate.

所以现在我们提倡过低碳的生活。So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.