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我的女儿玛瑞娜和劳伦又会如何呢?My daughters Marina and Lolo?

玛丽娜赢得了最高奖项。Marina Dimitrov won the top prize.

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滨海湾赌场还需要一段时间运行才能开始上升。Marina Bay will need time to ramp up.

此外,与海洋伪钟虫活体时也略相似。It is also slightly similar to P. marina.

迪拜码头,在某酒店前台登记入住的人们。Men checking in to a hotel at Dubai Marina.

你好,我是苏珊.韦伯斯特,在斯坦福德海湾为您做现场报道.Hello,I'm Susan Webster at the Stamford Marina.

我看到码头的船只已经拴起来。I'm seeing boats in the marina being tethered up.

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迪拜码头的海滩及部分棕榈岛的海滩。Beach at Dubai Marina and parts of the Palm Beach.

“像个鼻涕虫,”玛丽娜没劲地说,“很恶心。”“Like a slug,” Marina says flatly. “It’s disgusting.”

在迪拜码头的沙滩上骑骆驼的游客。Tourist taking a camel ride on the beach in Dubai Marina.

后来随着滨海福明,他们又回到了烹饪牛排的话题。With Marina fuming, they returned to cooking their steak.

玛莉娜生于非洲,并在那度过了人生的前十年。Marina was born in Africa where she spent her first ten years.

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所有公寓都配有提供冰箱、微波炉和电烤盘的小厨房。Some rooms offer a balcony overlooking the channel and marina.

南城区,“钱”景无限的财富丰壤。South Suzhou, the prospects unlimited wealth abundance marina.

在青岛奥林匹克帆船中心停泊的游艇。Yachts moored at the Olympic Sailing Marina in Qingdao, China.

或许,软骨藻酸能够帮助解释为什么大量的鱼儿涌入港口。Or the domoic acid may help explain why they entered the marina.

这次我们呆在旧金山湾的德尔索尔旅馆。This time around we’re staying at the Hotel Del Sol in the Marina.

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五缘湾湿地公园内,环境优美,步行至五缘湾游艇帆船港码头约10分钟。In the Wuyuan bay, you can walk to Wuyuan bay marina in 10 minutes.

这种阶梯状的设计思路在类似于滨海湾金沙酒店这样奢华度假场所中颇为常见。They are often seen in luxury resorts such as the Marina Bay Sands.

新业者们能为滨海湾带来什么新元素?What refreshing elements will they bring to the once quiet Marina Bay ?