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她是个大胖子。She is a fatso.

你好吗胖子?How you doing, fatso?

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胖子一定吃得很多吗?Does fatso eat very more certainly?

胖子弟弟是包皮王吗?Is fatso little brother wrapping king?

为什么会有胖子弟弟?Why can you have fatso little brother?

胖子欠身对她耳语几句。Fatso leaned over to whisper in her ear.

这件难以启齿的事还是让胖嫂先说穿了。It was Fatso who first spoke of the unspeakable thing.

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而此刻,大鹏和胖子已经联系好了学校。And at the moment, roc and fatso had contacted the school.

为什么会有胖子弟弟啊?包皮过长?Why can you have fatso little brother? Is wrapping too long?

这是胖子,有着一身的力气,就是不知道该往那使。It is fatso. He has enormous strength but he does not know where to use.

你不相信吧,别说我言之甚重,找个胖子老公的确有这样的功效。Do not cheat you really, it is too important to look for a fatso husband.

她说过她一个人很好的。还说象我这样的胖子只会拖累她。She said she was fine by herself. She said a fatso like me would just slow her down.

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胖子采取攻击并且转身咬了这位36岁男子的右腿。Fatso took offense to this, spun around and bit the 36-year-old man on his right leg.

把一架蜂鸟无人机飞过去,跟这个“无谓的胖子”来一次面对面的接触。Send one of those little hummingbird drones to have a face to face with "fearless fatso".

遗憾的是,随着生活水平的普遍提高,女性朋友中胖子越来越多。Regretful is, as standard of living rise generally, the fatso in female friend is increasing.

每个人天天吃的总量都差不多,但是胖子一般来说吃的比瘦子多。The gross that everyone has everyday is about the same, but what fatso eats generally speaking is more than a thin person.

伊莉莎白.爱德华兹2004年竞选途中到一处机场时,竟有人高举写著「肥嫂」的牌子等她。Elizabeth Ed-wards once landed at an airport in the 2004 election campaign to find a sign that said " fatso " waiting for her.

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道格拉斯先生表示如果再热一点的话,胖子的警觉性就会更高,那他们要处理的就是死尸一具了。Mr. Douglas said that if it had been warmer, Fatso would have been more alert and they would have been dealing with a fatality.

在恍惚的状态下,他决定爬过栅栏,跨坐在名为「胖子」且重达800公斤的盐水鳄鱼身上,并且试图骑这只冷血动物。In a drunken stupor, he decided to climb over a fence, straddled a 800kg saltwater crocodile called Fatso and attempted to sit on the reptile.

两年多来,四叔和五毛屡次向老板黄胖子索要欠款,但是尝试多次并没有结果。Come two many years, 4 father's younger brother ask for debt to boss yellow fatso frequently with 5 wool, but try for many times and do not have a result.