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马达加斯加是一个让人惊叹的藏宝之岛。Madagascar is a trove of the wondrous.

齐默曼研究了马达加斯加上土地上的马达加斯加人。Zimmerman studied Malagasy populations on Madagascar.

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一大群蝗虫在非洲马达加斯加一处草原的上空徘徊低飞。A swarm of insects hovers over grassland in Madagascar.

狐猴只生活在马达加斯加岛上。Aye- ayes can be found only on the island of Madagascar.

阳光渗透过马达加斯加长春花的花瓣边缘。Light permeates the sheer petals of a Madagascar periwinkle.

灯光透过了一朵马达加斯加长春花的纤薄的花瓣。Light permeates the sheer petals of a Madagascar periwinkle.

这就是马达加斯加,徒步旅行的理想地。But that’s the thing about Madagascar. It’s ideal for trekking.

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一个小男孩下到马达加斯加南部的一个蓝宝石矿里。A young boy descends into a saphire mine in southern Madagascar.

在马达加斯加成为它今天的样子之前,就已经有这种蠕虫似的生物驻扎了。Wormlike creatures inhabited Madagascar before it was Madagascar.

这种珍珠鸡是通过土耳其帝国,从马达加斯加岛进口的。This guinea fowl was imported from Madagascar via the Ottoman Empire.

2008年,在马达加斯加岛,一名护林员正在查看一个河流两岸的蜘蛛网。A river-spanning spider web dwarfs a park ranger in Madagascar in 2008.

中国差一点垫底,只排在倒数第一马达加斯加前面。China ranked near the bottom, barely higher than last-place Madagascar.

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在马达加斯加的安齐拉贝,车夫们正在一排人力车前待客。Drivers stand ready amid a fleet of rickshaws in Antsirabe, Madagascar.

马达加斯加报告在港口城市图阿马西拉发生登革热暴发。Madagascar has reported a dengue outbreak in the port city of Toamasina.

马达加斯加北部的Marojejy国家公园已经停止面向旅游者开放。Marojejy National Park in northern Madagascar has been closed to tourism.

巨型叶尾壁虎栖息于马达加斯加岛的蒙塔格尼。The giant leaf-tailed gecko lives in Montagne d'Anjanaharibe, Madagascar.

很多本土马达加斯加人认为狐猴是坏运气的征兆。Many people native to Madagascar consider the aye-aye an omen of ill luck.

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但世界上近一半数量的蜥蜴都生活在马达加斯加群岛上。Almost one -half of the world 's chameleons live on the island of Madagascar.

在马达加斯加的安齐拉贝附近,两名男子凝视着碧蓝色的翠体瓦湖水。Two men gaze into the azure waters of Lake Tritiva near Antisirabe, Madagascar.

2008年的食品价格上涨撂倒了海地和马达加斯加的政府。The 2008 food price spike helped bring down governments in Haiti and Madagascar.