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1863年在葛底斯堡发生了什么事情?What happened at Gettysburg in 1863?

我还真不知道盖茨堡在内华达呢。I didn't know Gettysburg was in nevada.

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在葛底斯堡演说中,这些要素非常的少。In the Gettysburg Address, these items are few.

他用了林肯的葛底斯堡演说中的几句话。He cited lines from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

盖茨堡演词,你的朋友已经给了我。Your friend already gave me the Gettysburg Address.

他想表彰那些献身于葛底斯堡战役中的勇士们。He wanted to honor the brave men who had died at Gettysburg.

亚伯拉罕·林肯在葛底斯堡发表了他最著名的演说。Abraham Lincoln delivered his most famous address in Gettysburg.

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艾森豪威尔离开白宫,退隐到他在葛底斯堡的农场。Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg.

班上每个学生都必须默诵林肯葛底斯堡演说词。Everyone in the class has to learn Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by heart.

林肯总统的葛底斯堡演讲无论从什么意义上说,都是一篇杰作。President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is a masterpiece in whatever sense.

在亚伯拉罕林肯总统进行葛底斯堡演说之前,Everett做了长达2个小时的演说。Before President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, Everett spoke for two hours.

德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔总统的农场,一个具有历史意义的遗址也在葛底斯堡。Eisenhower's farm, a national historic site, is also in Gettysburg. Population, 7,94.

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他是葛底斯堡公墓的题词演说者。He was the principle speaker at the dedication of the Gettysburg cemetery dedication.

不过,整个北方仍然把葛底斯堡战役当做是联邦军在这场战争之中的最大胜利来庆祝。Nevertheless, the North celebrated Gettysburg as the biggest Union victory of the war.

葛底斯堡地处宾夕法尼亚州的中部,与马里兰州的北部边境相距只有几英里之遥。Gettysburg is located in central Pennsylvania, a few miles north of the Maryland border.

我们也不会有葛底斯堡的演讲,没有丘吉尔,也就没有马丁路德金。We would also have had no Gettysburg address, no Churchill, and no Martin Luther King, Jr.

2005年史蒂夫在斯坦福做了一次葛底斯堡风格的毕业演说。In what may be the Gettysburg Address of graduation speechism, Jobs spoke at Stanford, in 2005.

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她邀请阿拉法特去她的农场,邀请巴拉克去附近葛底斯堡著名的内战战场。She took Arafat to her farm and Barak to the famous Civil War battlefield at nearby Gettysburg.

仪式举行了履行在葛底斯堡战场上死亡的士兵埋葬地点。Ceremonies were held to honor the dead soldiers at a burial place on the Gettysburg battlefield.

站在大理石柱之间,我看着林肯的葛底斯堡演说和第二次就职演讲。Standing between marble columns, I read the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural Address.