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这些措施最终通过了其他修道院寺庙。Eventually these measures were adopted by other Cistercian monasteries.

他既不会为自已的成就沾沾自喜,也不会成为牧师或西多会的修士。But he could no more have rested on his laurels than he could have become a clergyman or a Cistercian monk.

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她指给我们曾祖父母埋藏的地方,那是个12世纪的西多会修道院。She directed us to where my great-grandparents were buried amid the ruins of a 12th-century Cistercian abbey.

虽然没读过这位修女的故事。但是在修道院种满玫瑰的故事读起来应该挺让人悸动的!Sister Elizabeth is a Cistercian nun from the Holy Cross Abbey in Whitland, South Wales. She has long been a great rose lover.

在1135年,他们成为西妥教团僧侣的一部分,其教规需定期禁食、长时间的沉默禁言和严格的宗教仪式。In 1135 they became part of the Cistercian order of monks, whose rules required regular fasting, long periods of silence and strict religious observances.

遗址包括现存最古老的西妥教会水车磨坊、一列十二世纪西区寺院,是欧洲残留最重要的寺院之一。The ruins including the oldest surviving Cistercian water-mill, a twelfth-century western range, are amongst the most significant monastic remains in Europe.

特拉比斯教会的修道士经过改革的天主教西妥修道会的主要一支的成员,以苦行和发誓沉默为特征,1664年建立于法国西北部的拉特拉比斯修道院。A member of the main reformed branch of cistercian monks characterized by austerity and a vow of silence established in1664at la trappe monastery in northwest france.

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特拉比斯教会的修羽士颠末变革的上帝教西妥修道会的次要一支的成员,以苦行和赌咒缄默为特性,1664年树立于法国东南部的拉特拉比斯修道院。A member of the main, reformed branch of Cistercian monks, characterized by austerity and a vow of silence, established in1664 at La Trappe Monastery in northwest France.

比利时西部威斯特佛兰德伦的圣西克斯塔修道院居住着大约30位西多会和特拉普派修士,他们的生活包括隐居、祈祷、体力劳动——以及酿造啤酒。The abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren in western Belgium is home to some 30 Cistercian and Trappist1 monks who lead a life of seclusion, prayer, manual labor—and beer-brewing.

要被视为温莎俱乐部中那位不太温柔的妻子的合适人选的话,你需要将哑剧明星的光环和西多会修女的个人规矩结合在一起才行。To be considered a suitable candidate for the not-very-merry-wives-of-Windsor club, you need to combine the aura of a silent-movie star with the personal discipline of a Cistercian nun.