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即使是被污名化的穆斯林也未影响伊斯兰教的传播。Even the worst of Islamism has not been a barrier.

长期以来,伊斯兰主义一直是中国与巴基斯坦关系中的一根刺。Islamism has long been a thorn in relations between China and Pakistan.

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伊斯兰教和阿拉伯语是西亚地区统一的主要特征。Islamism and the Arabic in Western Asia are the primary unification factors.

“卧尔兹”是阿訇宣传伊斯兰教的重要途径。"Expostulation" is the very important way for Akhund to propagandize for Islamism.

明清时期,除佛道两教得到继续发展外,天主教和伊斯兰教也传到了安阳。In the period of Ming Qing, Catholism and Islamism were also introduced into Anyang.

不,土耳其是沉迷于伊斯兰教。把所有非本国公民的穆斯林都逐出欧洲和美国!Turkey is lost to Islamism. Expel all non-citizens Muslims from Europe and the United States.

佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教在各自的圣典中都包含了一定数量的寓言。Buddhism, Christianity and Islamism have a number of Allegories individually in their holy books.

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还有一些宗教也有很长的历史,比如说伊斯兰教和基督教,他们上市了么?There are also other religions , such as christianism and Islamism with long history, do they IPO?

本文主要论述了朱元璋对伊斯兰教的态度及其社会政治影响。The thesis mainly explicates Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards Islamism and its sociopolitical influence.

奥萨马﹒本﹒拉登之死对伊斯兰教激进派未来的方向和领导意味着什么?What does the death of Osama bin Laden mean for the future direction and leadership of militant Islamism?

如今我们明白了伊斯兰教只是个幻象,它在这些起义中未扮演角色,完全被起义的光芒盖过。Now we see that it was an illusion. Islamism was completely eclipsed by these revolts in which it played no part.

上周,数百人证明在突尼斯南部城市苏斯谴责伊斯兰主义的崛起。Last week, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tunis and the southern city of Sousse to denounce the rise of Islamism.

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伊斯兰教是众多团体中的一员,它有权存在,但必须在尊重民主法规的情况下。Islamism is one movement among many others. It has the right to exist, but within the rules and laws of democratic respect.

同时,伊斯兰教对家庭教育、社会教育也产生着潜移默化的影响。At the same time, Islamism to the home education, the social education is also having the influence which influences subtly.

伊斯兰教既给予东乡族妇女可贵的关注,也为她们自身解放和发展增添了一些桎梏。Islamism not only pays special attention to the Dongxiang females, but also adds the shackles to their own liberty and development.

本文就以喀喇汗王朝时期随伊斯兰教的传播而出现的民族文化变迁为切入层,又以物质和精神文化载体的整合为透视点展开了探讨。The present essay intends to discuss the change of cultural pattern of the ethnic groups which was caused by the diffusion of Islamism.

问题是在思想封闭的神权伊斯兰教还是更为世俗和宽容的社会下完成政治上的统一。It's a question of whether they will politically reunify under close-minded theocratic Islamism or under a more secular and tolerant society.

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其数量多、种类多、题材慎广,展现了泉州伊斯兰教艺术的辉煌和伊斯兰教的传播态势。Amount many, category many, the topic be carefully wide, display the Quan Zhou Islamism art of brilliancy and Islamism of dissemination situation.

通过调查研究发现,伊斯兰教信仰是东乡族女性生活的核心,全面而深刻地影响着她们生活的方方面面。By the survey, we find that the belief of the Islamism is the core of the Dongxiang females. It influences their lives significantly and thoroughly.

二月五日,卡梅隆在慕尼黑一场会议上发表一篇关于伊斯兰主义与英国价值的演讲,在此之后,英国国内的抗议示威就没有停过。ON FEBRUARY 5th David Cameron gave a speech about Islamism and British values at a conference in Munich. Back home, the rows have not stopped since.