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他要开斧刃。He'll edge the ax.

他再次挥舞了他的斧头。Again he wielded his ax.

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这把斧头的刃口锋利。The ax has a sharp edge.

他捞了一把金斧子出来。He came out with a gold ax.

如何磨尖你的斧头呢?How do you sharpen your ax?

他在磨石上磨斧。He grinds ax on the grindstone.

她昨晚突然跟汤姆断交了。She gave Tom the ax last night.

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这把重斧头不好用。③笨拙的,不灵巧的。The heavy ax was awkward to use.

捡起斧头走向门去。Pick up the ax. Walk to the door.

一些公司已经抡起了斧子。Some firms have already wielded the ax.

部分活儿必须用斧头完成。Some part of the work must be done by ax.

他用斧子在墙上砍出一个洞。He cut a hole through the wall with an ax.

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熊爸爸拿上他的斧头出了门。Papa takes up his ax and goes out the door.

消防队员们用斧头将门砸开。The firemen splintered the door with an ax.

不一会儿,他捞出来一把金斧子。After a little while he brought out a gold ax.

把篱笆桩子的底部砍出了一个尖。I tapered the end of the fence post with an ax.

战斧一种重的,顶部宽的斧头,曾用作武器。A heavy broad-headed ax formerly used as a weapon.

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小姨又发现于是拿起斧头砸了过去。Aunt and found then picked up the ax hit the past.

第二行是。Ax Ay Az The second one is A of x, A of y, A of z.

他的利斧唰地砍向了小树,第三棵树倒下了。With a swoop of his shining ax the third tree fell.