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油画中的祖先在向下凝视着我们。The ancestor in the painting stared down at us menacingly.

外面的河岸上,隐约看到秃鹰们在蔚蓝的天空中盘旋。Outside, by the riverbank, vultures hovered menacingly in a cobalt sky.

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房间角落里,装得满满的洗衣篮不怀好意地盯着我。An overflowing laundry basket stares menacingly from the corner of the room.

每只牧羊犬都用威吓的眼神瞪着自己的羊,要牠们走一直线。Every sheepdog looked menacingly at its sheep to make them walk in a straight line.

但是,这一构造板块仍然在我们脚下无情、危险地漂移着。But this tectonic plate is still relentlessly and menacingly shifting beneath our feet.

老聃觉得这个年青人来势汹汹,似乎是有备而来砸馆的。Laodan detected this young man bearing down menacingly. He seems ready to make trouble.

游戏开始,劳拉犯了个错误,雷蒙威胁的走向她,可怜的劳拉无助的叫喊者……。The game begins. Laura makes a mistake. Ramon menacingly moves towards her. Laura's screams are useless.

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一个类似螃蟹的新装置蛮横的横行越过饼干状的星球,它的玻璃肚皮里装着一颗星星。A crablike contraption sidles menacingly across a biscuit shaped planet, housing a star in its glass belly.

那些申请抗议许可的人被警察劝告改变了主意,有的则是被胁迫。Those who applied for permission to protest were persuaded by police to change their minds, sometimes menacingly.

但是在这整个时期,却也有别的回声在那街角气势汹汹地隆隆作响。But, there were other echoes, from a distance, that rumbled menacingly in the corner all through this space of time.

潜艇在舰队的边缘随波飘荡,只有指挥塔屹立在海面上。Subs drift menacingly along the outskirts of the fleet, only their conning towers breaking the surface of the ocean.

熊从树林中出现,凶巴巴地大步跑过后院,夜里的狼嗥能让人感到身上发麻。Bears emerge from the woods to lope menacingly across the backyard, and at night the howling of the coyotes can spread a tingle over the skin.

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大象在月光下隐约朝我逼来,我朝出口右手边的小礼品店跑去,一路上向他们挥手。The great elephants loom menacingly over me in the moonlight and I wave to them on my way to the little gift shop to the right of the main entrance.

富勒姆人强调他们并不打算出售这名28岁的天才中后卫,但是想阿森纳继续随影随行。The Cottagers insist they have no intention of parting with the talented 28-year-old, but the likes of Arsenal continue to lurk menacingly in the shadows.

那熊向旁边挪动了一下,发出威胁似的吼叫,它被这个站得笔直,毫不惧怕的神秘家伙吓住了,但这人还是一动不动。The bear edged away to one side, growling menacingly , himself appalled by this mysterious creature that appeared upright and unafraid. But the man did not move.

类似的谈判,在全美第二的美联航与第四的大陆航空公司之间展开。而此时,排名第一美利坚航空也在一旁虎视眈眈。A similar tie-up between United and Continental, the second- and fourth-biggest, is under discussion, and American, the largest carrier, waits menacingly on the sidelines.

房屋和防御工事里的枪眼仍然像从前那样威严地正视前方,卸下前车的大炮仍然互相对准着敌方。But the guns remained loaded, the port-holes in the houses and earthworks looked out as menacingly as ever, and the cannons, taken off their platforms, confronted one another as before.

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埃拉诺准确斜长传找到左侧的巴普蒂斯塔,“野兽”卸球闪开阿亚拉,抽射直挂右上角。A long crossfield ball by Elano found Julio Baptista on the left and, as Ayala held off, the player known as "the Beast" advanced menacingly and unleashed a shot into the top righthand corner.

在它的大手里抓着一根简陋的木棒,那木棒是一棵倒着拿的树的残根,根部仍粘着土,巨人随意的把它抗在肩上,好像正在怒视着她。In its large hand was grasped a crude club, formed from an upturned tree stump, dirt still clinging to its roots, which the Giant rested casually on its shoulder as it glared menacingly at her.