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枭龙战机装备的是俄罗斯引擎和欧洲的航空电子设备。JF-17 is equipped with Russian Engine and European Avionics.

我需要其他的证照来做航电设备相关工作吗?Do I need any other certificate to work on avionics equipment?

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波音公司有一套配有完整航空电子配件的飞行试验台在帮助我们,学习王伯祥有感。Boeing has a flying testbed with a full avionics suite to help us.

他们感兴趣的部分是发动机,航电和武器。The interesting part is going to be the engine, avionics and weapons.

高速数据总线技术是航空电子中的关键技术之一。High speed data bus technology is one of the core techniques in avionics.

合资企业还将向全球飞机制造商销售自己的航空电子设备。The joint venture will also sell its avionics to aircraft makers globally.

除此之外,CAE还为美国海军开发了两套MH-60R航空电子设备维修训练器。CAE has also developed two MH-60R avionics maintenance trainers for the Navy.

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然而,JJ-7缺乏复杂的航空电子设备和没有非常好的机动性。However, the JJ-7 lacks the sophisticated avionics and is not very manoeuvrable.

这项采购中,机上的航空电子设备均来自美国埃尔比特公司。For this procurement the avionics are to be supplied by Elbit Systems of America.

航空器,航空电子设备机械师,技术员和检测员。Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors.

高速数据总线是先进军机航空电子综合化的关键支撑技术。High speed data bus is the key technology in avionics integration for advanced fighters.

JSF的航空电子设备的设计和开发从这些经验中受益匪浅。The design and development of the JSF's avionics benefited from this experience, phan says.

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着重在总线接口单元的标准化、实用化和高速化方面做了研究。The work has been done in the avionics standardization. Realization and high speed of the BIU.

大多数航空电子设备安装在了枪炮的托盘上和飞机的两个翼尖吊舱上。The majority of these avionics are installed on a pallet in the gun bay and in two wingtip pods.

采用专家系统进行故障隔离不仅可以用于电源系统,更可推而广之到整个飞机非航空电子系统。Expert System not only can be used in electric power system, but also in all non- avionics system.

该电台也为美国空军提供网络、航空电子设备和软件的检查。It also affords the USAF the ability to perform numerous networking, avionics and software checks.

是飞机航电系统仿真试验室进行全系统仿真关键设备。It is a key equipment for whole system simulation in aircraft avionics system simulation laboratory.

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最后就我国综合航电体系结构的研究和发展所面临的问题进行了初步探讨。At last, some advices are presented about how to research and develop avionics architecture in China.

第40批次F-16的航电系统,对近距离空中支援的角色进行了改良,在战斗搜寻与救援任务中表现出色。The avionics of the Block 40 F-16, bred for the close air support role, work nicely for CSAR as well.

合资企业的首个订单将是为中国的C919大型客机研发综合航电系统。Its first job will be developing an integrated avionics system for China's planned C919 passenger jet.