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转移或者回避敏感话题。Deflect or evade the sensitive ones.

该梁将弯成一个圆弧。The beam will deflect into a circular arc.

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这个球员用头把球顶回去。The player used his head to deflect the ball.

但是有79个正电荷,这些带正电的发生偏转。But, there is a positive 79, so the positives deflect.

凯奇改了名字以避免别人指责他搞裙带关系。Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.

这种特殊的金属盾将使子弹改变方向。This special metal shield will deflect a bullet from its course.

挡板—是一种改变物质到设定方向的一种装置。Baffle — a device used to deflect material flow in a desired direction.

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知道如何优雅地避开色狼,也知道如何善意地拒绝求婚。Knows how to deflect a lecher with grace, and a proposal with kindness.

我们也用版权来部分转移了软件专利权所带来的危险。We also use copyright to partially deflect the danger of software patents.

上面的表是一个回波的铜管,投光和转移的声音。Above the table is an echo of brass pipes that cast light and deflect sound.

电子的质量这么小,对它基本不会产生影响。We figured out the mass is so tiny that it shouldn't really deflect them very much.

讨论计履带滑动及履带宽时转向负荷计算问题。When the track-width the directions of propelling force and brake force deflect the.

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有时我会绕开他们的问题,亮出新闻烟幕那一套,转移到别的话题。Sometimes I skirt the question, put up a journalistic smoke screen and simply deflect.

不要中恶者的诡计,他想使我们厌倦婚姻,甚至想毁坏我们的婚姻。Deflect the devil's darts by which he seeks to wear down and even destroy our marriages.

刀刃那么锋利,他感到那把刀偏离了那孩子的脖子,但他看到血。The blade was so sharp, he didn’t feel it deflect off the kid’s neck, but he saw the blood.

河口的不断南偏,可以明显地看到科氏力的影响。The effect of Coriolis effect is obvious by making the estuary deflect to south constantly.

那是你最大的保护力,因为它可以“转移”或者“改变”黑暗的能量。That is all you need for your protection, as it will deflect or transmute the dark energies.

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是什么原因引起灵敏电流计的指针发生偏转?什么情况下它偏转的角度最大?What causes the galvanometer to move? What situation makes the galvanometer deflect the most?

他说瓦提兄弟故意歪曲事实,企图转移视线和掩盖真相。He said the Vartys were deliberately distorting facts to deflect attention from the real issue.

相应的电流就用来使阴极射线管里的电子束偏转。The corresponding electric currents are used to deflect an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube.