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所述填充粉料是澎润土。The packing powder material is alta mud.

我和车队在一起度过的最后一天是在阿尔塔.格雷希亚。My last day with the group was spent in Alta Gracia.

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我和车队在一起度过的最后一天是在阿尔塔。My last day with the group was spent in Alta Gracia.

在将来的某一天,她参加了一个英语名字阿尔塔自己。One day in the future, she took a English name Alta for herself.

与纽约的这份合同是该公司的一个转折点。The contract with New York is a watershed moment for Alta Bike Share.

在这个新兴领域,Alta出租自行车公司已经从一家微小的创业企业成长成为一个主要玩家。Alta Bike Share has gone from tiny start-up to major player in an emerging field.

1998年,农业部组织将墨西哥米邦塔食用仙人掌引进我国种植。In 1998, Mexico Milpa ALta edible cactus was introduced to China by Agriculture Ministry.

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为了了解仙人掌粉对SD大鼠胚胎致畸作用的影响。In order to study teratogenic effects of Opuntia milpa alta flower on embryos of SD rats.

他表示Birk在出租自行车这个行业刚起步时,在正确的时间找到了正确的位置。He says Birk positioned Alta to be in the right place at the right time as bike shares took off.

伯德米勒比赛期间,FIS的世界杯高山滑雪大回转比赛12月20日在阿尔塔巴迪亚,意大利。Bode Miller races during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup giant slalom December 20 in Alta Badia, Italy.

而且,这种新的人造黄油非常受欢迎以至于在Alta的商店中往往一抢而光。In addition, the new margarine is so popular that stores in Alta are unable to keep it on their shelves.

纽约已经选择了一家俄勒冈公司,Alta规划与设计公司来生产10000辆出租自行车。New York has chosen an Oregon company, Alta Planning & Design, to set up a fleet of 10, 000 rental bikes.

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以食用仙人掌的茎片为外植体,研究了食用仙人掌离体快繁的若干影响因素。Using the shoots as the explants, the effect of different factors on Opuntia milpa alta haw in vitro is examined.

在本实验剂量和条件下仙人掌粉未见有母体毒性、胚胎毒性和致畸作用。Opuntia milpa alta flower has no maternal toxicity, embryonic and teratogenicity under the experimental conditions.

一旦资金得到了保障,Alta公司希望在纽约雇佣超过200名工作人员来设计和维护这个系统。Once the funding is secured, Alta expects to hire more than 200 people in New York to set up and maintain the system.

“米邦塔”食用仙人掌含有蛋白质、矿物质、纤维素、胡萝卜素及18种氨基酸。Opuntia Milpa Alta"edible cactus contains proteins, mineral materials, cellulose, carotene and18kinds of amino acids."

游客和当地的居民穿着高筒靴子趟过广场上的海水,警报器中还提醒着人们小心最近的一股海潮。Tourists and locals waded through the historic piazza with high boots as alarms warned of the latest bout of "acqua alta."

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博伊谷地位于西班牙东北部加泰罗尼亚自治区的比利牛斯山区,周围被群山环抱。The narrow Vall de Boi is situated in the high Pyrenees, in the Alta Ribagorca region and is surrounded by steep mountains.

临近北极圈阿尔塔海湾的这组岩画是公元前4200年至公元前500年人类居住遗迹的见证。This group of petroglyphs in the Alta Fjord, near the Arctic Circle, bears the traces of a settlement dating from c. 4200 to 500 B. C.

该文采用微波辅助法提取米邦塔仙人掌多糖,并与热回流提取方法进行比较。The microwave-assisted technology for extracting polysaccharide from Opuntia Milpa Alta was studied, compared with hot reflux extraction.